QuestionWe planted 2 white crape myrtle last year and they fared really well until this spring when some of the leaves are curling and/or turning dry and brown on the ends. I can see no insects. We live on the Outer banks of North Carolina and we see these trees everywhere, so they do like our climate. It's been a very dry Spring so there is no mildew around. February was unusually cold, but I cana't see how it would affect the leaves. Please HELP!
AnswerHi i want u to hire a ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST TO LOOK AT ROOT SYSTEM ie any girdling roots that r choking out tree.Tree may have been planted wrong to shallow or to deep.the tee also can get a disease called leaf curl/and or leaf scorch.The arborist will find out the problem and b able to treat tree so tree has best chance to live!GOOD LUCK!!N KEEP ME POSTED!!!