QuestionI live in Southeastern Michigan. On my maple leaf there are small round red growths attached to the top of the leaf. Some leafs have several while others only a few. Could you tell me what this could be?
AnswerHi Ed, Whats going on is u have GALL which is when a insect like a mite,scale,aphid inject leaf with a hormone and its saliva in return it forms a Gall/Little bumps on leaf.There r many kinds of galls but 4 the most part they r harmless.Next season when bud breaks treat tree with a insecticide of PREMETHION OR Astro and this will take care of it. There is lil to do this year.You may want to improve tree health with a good orgainic fertilizer like compost tea and humic acid.Look at your garden center 4 product like this.GoodLuck!!!!