QuestionI have a problem with a couple of my holly shrubs. The branches are light green/yellowing and have few leaves. There are tiny bump clusters in place where I believe leaves should be. The bumps are a brown shade. Thanks
AnswerHi Rebecca, It sounds like your holly tree has leafminer which is an insect that is inside the leaf that can look like yellow scrigly line or clusters.u have to treat tree/shrub with a spray with the pesticide orthene which is a systemic insecticide! you may find it at homedepot or lowes or gardencenter spray and then treat with a fertilizer with a n/p/k #15/5/5 or better and tree will push out new growth and green up faster!!Fyi if u decide to have treatment done by a plant health care company depending on size of tree it will cost u 100 to 175$ for both treatments.Thanks,Chad