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Thanks for ur last question. even that i know that the potting soil depend highly about the plant, but if we are talking about a none caracteristic plant, what is the better mix to use for container, only tourbe, only peat moss, or is better to mix and what is the %. thank u very much.  

Hi Michel,

Any of the multi-purpose potting mixes will do well without any additions.  However, when potting containers, I prefer to use a mixture of milled peat and garden soil.  I add soil to the purchased potting mix in the ratio of 1:4 (one volume of soil to 4 volumes of potting mix).  This is usually a good addition of nutrients and water retention is better.  

If you have a clay (very fine) soil, use a ratio of 1:8, and if you have a sandy soil, use 1:6 ratio.  Too high a clay content will cause poor drainage, and too high a sand content will cause the containers to be very heavy.

The preferred garden soil is described as a loam, which is approximately 40% silt, 40% sand, and 20% clay.  

If you decide to use your own soil, be certain to use only soil that has a pleasant earthy aroma.  

Happy Gardening!

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