QuestionI love my tree! I would cry if it ever died! Literally.. I am worried because it has Maple spindlegall mites. You sayed you wouldn't bother, but I would! What can I do to make them go away?!! I am also really woried that a fourth of his branches are leafless, and just recently they have started falling off. Is this another disease or just the Maple spindlegall mites? If so can I stop what ever it is? Please tell me how!! I'm desperate to save my tree!! :( THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! PLEASE E-MAIL ME BACK.
AnswerYou can spray an insecticide on the newly opening leave buds. this will reduce the population of the mites. Timing is important-need to spray before the galls are formed. The tree may drop leaves prematurely from the galls and will refoliate. When you see the new leaves forming spray then. I would recommend using an insecticide called bifenthrin- common product names are: Capture? Talstar? Brigade?OR you can use carbaryl
Both need to be used as or before bud break.