QuestionI received a Japanese Red Maple tree last year. It's small but doing well. It has a lot of leaves this year but I noticed spots on it that are circular and totally brown. There are quite a few on each leaf. The new leaf growth looks good but I think they get them after awhile too. I don't know if it's an insect or a disease?
Thanks for your help!!!
AnswerI think you have a disease called leaf spots. Purple eye" leaf spot is a common disease and recognizable by the distinctive circular spots which are about one-fourth inch in diameter, with light brown centers and purple brown margins. Purple eye leaf spot affects most of the maple species grown in Southern landscapes. Japanese red maple is also susceptible to this disease. Like twig and leaf blight, purple eye leaf spot causes little actual damage to trees.
Homeowners who wish to control these diseases should spray with a formulation of mancozeb fungicide or Bordeaux mixture. Begin fungicide applications in the early spring when the young leaves begin to unfurl from the buds and repeat in seven to ten days. Or you can spray the foliage now to protect new growth. Two to three applications will need to be made to protect the foliage from the fungi which cause these diseases. To obtain best results, always read and follow label directions when applying these and other pesticide products.