QuestionWe have a bamboo palm infested with mealy bugs for several years. It's been treated with several concoctions, the latest is tea water, dish soap and baking soda as recommended by Jerry Baker. This has helped some, but it just keeps getting reinfested. I was thinking of cutting it all the way back and repotting . Do you have any ideas? This plant is 8ft tall and about 4ft round at the top. It is inside the house. Thanks for your thoughts!
AnswerHi Janet, Check out Atomic Grow which is organic and makes your plant healthy and bugs will go away. I would drench the soil as bugs live in the soil and it will give it a quicker start for recovery than put it on a monthly spray program. It can be used on all plants indoors and out. Also a good slow release fertilizer will be all you need to have a happy plant. kathy