QuestionI bought a nice Illinois Everbearing mulberry tree last year from Jung Seed Co. It really jumped in size and even produced some fruit. It's planted in the ground and I thought I watered and cared for it sufficiently. But somehow梡ossibly strong winds梒aused it to split right down the middle.
Is there a way to save it or should I buy a new one? I was thinking I could saw it down and hope that new growth would come from the trunk. I hate to cut back on the progress or replace it if I don't need to.
Here's a link to how it looks:
AnswerHi ERIC, It looks like you have a choice. You could cut off the one side and the tree should heal. You could get some of that silver tape, I forget what my boys call it and pull it together and leave it on to heal. My grandson took some cutters and actually cut my mulberry in half. I put it back on and taped it and it lived for another 10 years then I think I did not water it enough and it died. Mulberry trees are stong. kathy