QuestionQUESTION: my maple tree has some white looking pasty stuff which looks very much like the spray foam you buy in a can to seal cracks.can you tell me what it might be?
ANSWER: Linda:
This "foamy" stuff may be a bacterial disease called slime flux or bacterial wetwood. See the information bulletin at the website below that I have prepared on this topic. If, after reading, this isn't what you are seeing, let me know. A photo may also be helpful.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
stuff on my tree
stuff on my tree
QUESTION: this looks more like something a bug or animal might make. it is about 6 to 8 inches long and maybe 1 inch across. it is up along the trunk. the tree has not been pruned. there is no wet oozing out just kind of hard strips of what looks like that spray foam and it gets pretty hard
I have never saw anything like it> .
I have a picture,
I agree- doesn't appear as slime flux. Doesn't look insect nor animal to me either. Does your tree appear healthy otherwise? This could be a type of mushroom. Couldn't say for sure w/o examining first hand. You may simply remove it if it is unsightly and see if it comes back.