Dear Jennifer
Similar to study of animals maximum life span in zoology, can
botanists trace maximum life span of trees ?
For example :
Human Being - 130 years.
Cat - 20 years.
Dog - 25 years.
Tortoise - 150 years
Is it possible to trace and define Maximum Life Span of Trees and Plants ?
Tree examples : Coconut, Banyan, Peepal etc
Plant Examples : Ferns, Vines, Alga etc
Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar
AnswerUnfortunately, I do not think it is possible to define the life span of trees and plants other than annuals and biennials. An annual will typically die in less than 1 year. A biennial typically completes it's life cycle in 2 years or less. For perennials, the life span is variable and plants of the same type in different locations will be greatly affected. Some people speculate that hardwood trees can live for hundreds or thousands of years. Often, they do not die from "old age", but from disease or insect attack. Sorry that I can not give you a better answer, but I do not think that scientists have the answer to your question at this time.