Angel Trumpet leaves
Angel Trumpet leaves
Hello, My angel trumpets are growing & blooming wonderfully. However, there is something wrong with the leaves. It starts out as spots that look burnt & then grow into holes that look burnt, then the leaves turn yellow & fall off. I don't know if it's a disease or an insect. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
AnswerDear DeRae, Your angel trumpet isn't in bad shape, but it does sound like it is suffering from low fertility. Angel trumpets are very heavy feeders, and they also prefer to be on the damp side. In one of your pictures, I can tell from the calla lilies in the background that you should probably water more often. You also may have a bit of fungal disease from the stress the plant is under. This is what I would do to fix the yellow leaf situation. First, spray the plant with NEEM, a great organic product that will kill insects, spider mites, and fungus and is great for home gardens. This will fix any fungus or spider mites that might be affecting the leaves. Be sure at this time to remove any yellowing leaves on the plant and especially on the ground or in the area. Then I would give the plant a good feeding with fertilizer, and continue to feed it about every two weeks while it is actively growing, and water it more frequently, being sure that the drain hole stays unclogged and the drainage is good. I think you will be very pleased with how well your angel trumpet does with more food and water. I hope this information helps, but be sure to write back if you have more questions. Good luck, Melissa