Questionrelatively new plants have holes in some leaves. At first it appeared to be a chewing insect but noticed that the hole was preceded by a brown spot which appears to die resulting in a small hole or notch about 3/8 to 1/4 inch diameter. Otherwise plants look healthy . Have observed this also on a couple of new leaves. This is not hentomosporium leaf spot. Can you help.
Thank you.
AnswerDear Eric, You probably have a cercospora leaf spot, but there are several leaf spots and without a lab to give definite results, it is usually not possible to determine exactly which leaf spot disease you may have at any given time. Fortunately, leaf spots will respond well to Daconil and other fungicides that are specific to leaf spots in ornamentals. You possibly could also try NEEM if you prefer to use organic controls, but I'm not sure how effective it will be since leaf spots are often tenacious and hard to control. You will need to spray several times about a week apart to control the disease. It is also important to exercise good sanitation at this time. Remove any fallen leaves and destroy, don't use them for compost as that will only spread disease. Do any pruning you may need to do to give better air circulation around the plant and disinfect the pruners with a mild bleach water solution. Be sure to water only in the morning to avoid having the plants wet at dark cooler hours and try to avoid getting the foliage wet. If you spray with Daconil for about three weeks and do the cleanup and keep the foliage dry except for spraying, you should see great improvement within a few weeks. I hope this information helps. Write back if you need further assistance. Good luck, Melissa