flower with spots
QUESTION: A few years ago I got this flower from my mother's boyfriend, and every summer it would bloom, die in the fall/winter and come back again in the spring/summer. However this time it's coming back and the leaves have these red spots on them that I don't remember it having. I don't know what kind of plant it is, but I'm attaching a picture of it with spots. I can't attach two pictures, but if you reply I'll be able to send you a picture of it from last summer when it was well.
ANSWER: Dear Andre, This looks like some kind of amaryllis. It probably has large blooms that are usually red, but sometimes white or other pinkish shades. It seems to have a pretty bad fungus. I would get a strong fungicide from your nearest garden center and thoroughly drench the plant with it. Then let the plant dry out as much as possible. If it is in a pot, make sure the drain hole is clear. Since you are in California, I know that you often have different chemical restrictions, so if you have trouble finding a fungicide, you can probably try NEEM which is an organic substance which works on insects, fungus and mites. One note though, from the looks of it, this plant is pretty far gone and may not make it. Some bulb plants last longer than others and this one may be pretty played out. If you send the other picture, I can probably tell you which plant this is and probably the variety, in case you need to replace it. But at any rate, spray the plant several times about a week apart, and allow to dry in between and the plant should recover if it is strong enough. Good luck, Melissa
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
flower well
QUESTION: Thank you, I will go and get something for it. I have attached a picture of it in bloom.
AnswerDear Andre, This is indeed a red amaryllis. Since it looked so fantastic this last summer, I am betting that you can get it back into good health. Two more suggestions, trim the loose paper, if any, at the top of the bulb before spraying the NEEM to give better coverage and once you have it in better condition, feed it with a good fertilizer with a high middle number. That is especially helpful to bulbing plants. Melissa