Questionmy grapevine which is in a large pot and is around 10 years old has severely puckered leaves like a drawstring bag. There is no change in the colour but all the leaves seem to be affected.
Would you know what it is and can it be saved. I recently bought it and know that it came from Italy last winter.
many thanks
The leaf puckering can be caused by several things. Sometimes plants may get accidentally exposed to some weed killer chemicals (herbicides)that were applied nearby and plants can respond like that. Plants should eventually grow out of this problem. Watch the new leaves coming out to see if they look normal. If they do not, then the reason may be something else. Some virus diseases and even insects/mites can cause this to occur. You may consider contacting your local nursery/garden center for their suggestions. Carry a few "distorted" leaves with you. Maybe they will have a hand lens as to examine the underside of the leaves for anything suspicious such as microscopic mites along the veins.