QuestionQUESTION: Hi, my gloxinia developed many flower buds and have several flowers. However, it is stopped growing/opening unopened flower buds and now they became round and are turning brown. What is it and what should I do?
ANSWER: Dear Yuliya, I am assuming that you have probably gotten this plant recently, and have been watering the plant well since you got it. Also, when watering, be sure to drain the saucer underneath the plant if there is one, since it doesn't like standing in water. That being said,gloxinias are somewhat difficult to grow. I don't know when you first got your plant, or when it was in heaviest bloom, but generally after the plant blooms heavy it will show signs of dying back. This indicates that it requires a rest period, so you should start withholding water and allow it to dry out for 6 to 9 weeks. After that time, you should repot with fresh soil, place in a bright spot without direct sunlight, and begin to water it again. This is the most likely cause of your plant's decline. Also possible, but not likely, is that the temperature has dropped to below 65, in which case you would allow the plant to dry out to 1 inch below surface soil before watering. Lastly, if your plant has gotten a fungus from cold water or overwet conditions, just dry out a little more between watering, and cut off any affecting areas. You can easily prune your plant to get its shape better and it might be advisable so that the heavier ends don't break off the plant causing more damage. My best guess however, is that your gloxinia just needs a rest period followed by repotting. Gloxinias are a difficult plant to maintain because of the rest period involved. Please write back if you need additional information. Good luck, Melissa
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi again,
so I waited to see if it is an over watering killing my flowers. Now, since it is been good few weeks, and I watered my plant only once when it withered on me, it happened again-the flowers died. I am attaching an image for you to see. Also, I had 2 gloxinia plants for years and it does the same thing almost every year. Now I am down to one plant which wont bloom for me.
Please help.
AnswerDear Yuliya, Gloxinias are very frustrating because of the rest period that they require. When they are growing and blooming you need to keep the soil moist because they don't like to dry out, but when they have finished their heaviest blooming, they will need to go into a rest period. As I stated in my earlier answer, there is a specific way to do that, letting them dry out for six to nine weeks then repotting and starting to water and feed it again. Unfortunately, it is very hard to do successfully, and you never know how the plant was handled before you got it. If you can't get the plant to bloom for you, then either the rest period wasn't long enough, it isn't getting enough food, or the bulbs are just played out. This is one of the main reasons that this plant is extremely frustrating - when you buy them they are in full bloom, but start to go downhill almost immediately. You might try putting them into another rest period and bringing them out again, but if it doesn't work this time, the bulbs may be spent and you need to replace them. Sorry I couldn't give more positive news. You could also spray with NEEM if you think it may be affected with fungus, but that is about all you can do for it. Good luck, Melissa