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Live Oak Issue

Question Tree Tree Hello, our live oak has this problem with the bark. Its been doing this for a few years, and now we are concerned that the tree is compromised and/or needs to be removed. We liv

Tri-Color Beech

Question Tri-Color Beech Tri-Color Beech 2 We are seeing a problem with our tricolor beech. We live in northeastern Indiana. The leaves on the tips of many branches have turned brown and lo

Tibouchina unvilleana.. issues

QuestionKathy, I have noticed that my tibouchina lost a lot of leaves and the remaining leaves are drooping with brown areas on them. The plant is in the ground in a part shade area. It has noticed that the stems a

Bark and Wood Trunk Damage

QuestionCracked Heartwood in A Autumn Blaze Maple Ins QUESTION: Hi Dr. Vann, About 4 or 5 years ago I planted a couple of 3.5 inch caliper autumn blaze maples. In spring they sometimes get bark crack

Damage to Outer and Inner Bark Autumn Blaze Maple

Question Autumn Blaze Maple In Full Area of Damage QUESTION: Hi Jim, I planted two 3 inch caliper about 15 foot high Autumn Blaze Maples in the fall of 2010. They sometimes develop cracks in the bark

Identifying tree diseases

QuestionJim I am looking for an illustrated book that would ease the identification of forest tree diseases and pests, particularly in the western U.S. I would like to be able to identify as many diseases as

Growth near mechanical damage

Question Mechanical Damage Stephen About a month ago I noticed mechanical damage on the elm in the attached photo. About a week ago I noticed a branch growing near the injury (photo). Is this a n

Sugar Maple Tree

Question Sugar Maple Sugar Maple up close I live in a suburb of Minneapolis MN. I have a sickly looking sugar maple tree and I dont know what is wrong with it. I planted it in the spring of 2012. By fal

crapemyrtle bark has bumps and is oozing

QuestionCan you identify the problem? AnswerMargaret: Can you send a closeup photo of these bumps with the ooze? An ooze on fruit trees is often a sign of a boring insect. I havent seen this on crapemy

Ribes (Currant)

QuestionQUESTION: Last summer I planted a currant bush that had pinkish flowers and dark blue/black fruit. In the spring it really started growing with lots of new green growth, blossomed again and produced a

Trouble with new Aspen Trees

QuestionJust planted 3 6 aspens July 6th. Watering them a few minutes every day with the hose. They are looking rough. Some leaves are soft and wilted while other leaves are crispy (almost dead?). What is happ

Ash Tree Bark Damaga

QuestionQUESTION: Hi Jim, Earlier I shared with you about an 5 and a half inch caliper autumn blaze maple that an insect, most likely borer, damaged a 2 x 3 inch area under the bark. The tree is trying to heal itse

bismark palm

QuestionQUESTION: My Bismark palms newest frowns seem to be withering. They have turned brown and ripped away from the center vein and are hanging down. The rest of the tree is fine it just seems to be t

Pussy willow

Question Leaf We have a new small pussy willow tree which seems to be healthy and sprouting new growth but it is being eaten badly by caterpillars and the underside of a lot of the leaves is covered in a yell


QuestionTheir is a jelly type substance located on the trunk of my plum tree as well as some of the same on the limbs of the tree. What can I do to get rid of this problem. AnswerHi Larry, You have borers in

Massive insects and fungus

QuestionWe have a nursery and we have aphids and mold covering our fruit trees, oak, maple trees, crape myrtles well basically if it has a leaf its infested. We have used triple action and currently using sevin Ans


Question My sick tree Hello Kathy, I have this Ficus tree,its about 10 to 12 years old. I have moved from Washington to North Dakota,and now To Idaho with the tree.( its my baby ) It has dropped its leaves in

pecans turnign black

QuestionQUESTION: Were new homeowners (1 1/2 yrs) and the property has two pecan trees. The largest tree produces the paper shell pecans that are long. We the problem is they turn black and fall off the

lilac bush

QuestionQUESTION: my lilac bush has something eating it from the inside i noticed it a month ago little pieces of wood near the bottom of the bush,this is an off shoot of larger bushes they seem okay.Please advise o

Black Mold Slime

QuestionHello Dr.Vann. On a mushroom hunt I came a black slime mold. I have become very curious about the slimes identification. In trying to identify through online means, I came across a question about a black sli

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