QuestionHi Dr.Stephen, I had the attached infection in my plants since 3 weeks and it spreading to several plants in my garden, its showing white cotton like sticky features, spreading on stem, flowering buds and b
QuestionHello, I live in Minnesota and have a small outdoor vegetable garden I planted the seeds a week ago.(Cool weather plants, carrots,lettuce,peas) Anyways About 4 days ago I noticed one tiny white bug, and if I
QuestionWe have had 1 of 3 small magnolias go from what we thought was lack of water too,. After cutting many dead leaves off today, many branches still appear alive. However, we can also see disease growing i
Question Tree I planted an Espaliered Apple Tree 3 years ago. Its center limb was getting very tall(7 feet) so I called the florist I bought it from and asked if I should prune it when I pruned the rest, They
QuestionHi, I have 2 meyer lemon trees about 4 years old, 4-5 feet high..always been in about a 40 gal pot outside. I take inside in the winter..they look great...but, they produce nickel size green lemons tha
QuestionDr. VANN Hi I need your help, last year Itransplanted 2 Azalea bushes. One bush is blooming the other looks like its has died. There are only a few green leaves on the dead plant. My question is there anythi
Stains on figue tree and flowering maple
Question Figue tree and floweri Figue tree Good morning, our 2y old figue tree and a few flowering mapples have been sharing a container/pot for the last 6 months. All are slowly degrading, showing sign
Questionpears have a orange looking fungus on the blossom end and top of the tree has withered looking leaves. What can we do to cure this problem. AnswerBarry: Can you send a photo of an affected fruit? Thi
QuestionMy 20 foot arborvitae has brown tips, mostly low and on one side, similar to the symptoms described for fungus, although I cannot see any fruiting bodies. In addition, over the entire crown there are sap glo
Autumn Blaze Maple Trunk Damage
QuestionAutumn Blaze Closeup Autum Blaze Trunk Diea QUESTION: Hello Dr Vann, I planted two Autumn Blaze maples that were 3 inch caliber and about 15 feet high at the same time about 4 years ago. They
Treating an Elm Tree for Fungus
Question Tree Tree I have about a 35 year old (pretty sure it is an Elm Tree) that has a lot of blotches growing on the trunk of the tree. The blotches are silver/gray & some are bright/green. Most are
Questionmy meyer lemon tree (potted) has loads of tiny lemons and a couple of big ones. I moved it outdoors about two weeks ago and suddenly most of its leaves have turned yellow and are dropping off. Some of them h
Question Guava Tree Hi. Ive just noticed that my tropical guava tray tree has new leaves that are curling. None of the older leaves are affected. Its only the new growth. Any help or suggestions would be grea
pepper tree had dried dead branches
QuestionMy 30 year old pepper tree has suddenly developed dry and dead branches and the new growth is not healthy looking.And I have noticed tumor like things are all over the trunk and the bark is dry and flakey is
Black discoloration on peony flowers, but healthy leaves
Question Blackening peony flowe Blackening peony flowe Greetings Dr. Vann, I am seeing a problem with a clients peonies that I have never seen before. Some of her flowers are healthy, but other are tur
Question Weeping Redbud Leaves Dr. Stephen, I have just planted an Eastern Weeping Redbud in Dallas, Texas area about one week ago. The plant looked great at the nursery, green leaves. Now, after
QuestionWe have an old, large crab apple tree that we love. In 2012 and 2013 we had some branches die out in the spring- leaves, blossoms, small apples just turn brown and die. We pruned what we could reach. It has
Pineapple guava - leaves with curl and brown design
Question leaf curl and brown ve I live in central Mexico - 6000 ft up. My guava was transplanted last fall/winter and again to another location about two months ago. But I think I noticed this pro
QuestionHello, I have a raised bed 32x64x3. I built the soil using branches on bottom, cardboard,hay,more cardboard,goat manure. I believe the manure wasnt composted enough...anyway I put 18 tomatoe plants in it and
Book needed on forest tree diseases
QuestionHi Jim Can you recommend a pictorial book or guide for identifying diseases of forest trees, including root, leaf, and stem and branch diseases? The book should also indicate the pathogens, fungi, vec
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