QuestionMy Non-mulberry are over thirty years old and where the bark is peeling the branch dies. I have seen large bore holes on other branch as well. What can I do? AnswerDear Joyce, Thank you for your question. &
QuestionHi.I am planning to grow pomegranate for commercial purpose.Which type of soil and climate is required and how and when it can be planted. AnswerDear Vivek, Pomegranates are an excellent crop for you to con
QuestionMy cycad is pretty old. My Dad, who always called it a sago palm, died in 1979 and hed had it for a few years before then, in a 6 pot. In 1980 or thereabouts, my husband discovered it outside in
QuestionThree of our 5 tree ligustrums have yellowing and shriveling leaves. The disease started with one plant and is quickly spreading through the others. Is there a fungicide or insecticide that I can
QuestionLittle Gem Magnolias Little Gem Magnolia QUESTION: I have several of the Little Gem magnolias that have blueish colored scale looking stuff on the stalk and branches. Is this a disease or is it
Question evergreen Hi Melissa, I once again need your expertise for plant identification. Hope u doing well. Best Aytek AnswerDear Aytek, This is one of my favorite plants - it is a gardenia. The
Umbrella plant shedding/ dying
QuestionHi i moved in november and since my long suffering umbrella plant has been wildly shedding and top leaves are still not fully opening. I repotted it to deal withpotential root bounding. Ive fed it and
Eastern Cottonwood w/ huge bark blister
Question Cottonwood overview closeup Hi Jim There is an Eastern Cottonwood nearby my home with huge blisters on the bark (see the attached two photos). Can you tell me what it is? I cannot find
QuestionI recently picked up some Prairie Zinnia, but they have no flowers at all. How long does it generally take to get flowers on them? Thanks - AnswerDear Dave, These are going to be a rather late b
QuestionMy cape honeysuckle was transplanted 2 weeks ago. A week prior to the transplant it had flowers, and then did not have any for awhile (normal for that plant in my yard). Since the transplan
QuestionI have a fruitless mulberry tress that has a yellow slime on it. It also looks like it wet in some areas. I ask home depot and lowe and they dont have the any one that is smart enough to help me. Cant find a
QuestionI have been concerned about our big Mulberry tree. For the last 5 years it has been losing its bark towards the bottom of the tree. The tree is about 15 or 20 feet high and recently started blooming, t
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I had been given several healthy aloes. After several months some of them lost their roots and just fell over. Others their skin got super thin, filled with water like liquid and burst when I t
Question Brown Leaf on Edges White Spots on Leaf Hello, I was wondering if I could get help on saving my seemingly dying tree. I purchased this tree 2 weeks ago and it was beautiful. In th
Question Japanese Maple Disease I live south of Atlanta GA and was concerned my two year old Japanese maple, which should be putting on new growth, didnt appear to be showing any color at all. I examined it a
ornamental flowering plum tree
QuestionMy plum tree(fruitless) has white or light pink leaves instead of the dark purple it should have. It appears to be iron deficient. Is this a disease or is it really starving for nutrients? I fed it last year
QuestionQUESTION: An established beech hedge has sections of healthy growing plants and sections of very late to bud but otherwise seemingly healthy plants with some definitely dead ones in between. The dead plants
Question Maple tree We planted a maple tree in our backyard a couple years back. It seemed fine the first year. Last year it wasnt growing on top so we cut off the top and it grew a new shoot from the area wh
Questionfern type growth on trunk and limbs of tree. Is this harmful to tree? If it is,can you help? AnswerThese sound like lichens. The effect of lichens on a tree are only slightly detrimental. The plants are epi
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