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Japanese Maple tree

Question Japanese Maple I bought a beautiful Japanese Maple last year and it seems to be doing well. The other day I noticed that the bark seems to be peeling in one area and the inside is softer than the rest. Im w

30 yr. old tangelo orange tree florida

QuestionOn some branches the bark is cracking and peeling off and then the whole branch dies. The leaves turn yellow, die and fall off.The branches die from the tip and goes in towards the base. On some branches the


QuestionI bought a home which has four large mature{20+yrs.)in the yard.This spring I noticed a dark orange dust like material covering the branches, which, after a hard rain turned gelatinous in spots. What is this

cedar-apple rust

QuestionI asked a question about cedar-apple rust Friday, and I appreciate your answer. Will this go away on its own? I have 3 large trees that touch each other which are almost totally covered in the gelatinous blo

Orange Trees

QuestionQUESTION: Do all orange trees in Florida have Lemon Rootstock? ANSWER: Hi Roger. No all orange trees do not anymore. That was an old root stock. There are all new rules for citrus growing

Water Oak

Question Hole (1) Recently, my water oak tree has developed two black holes that are about i inch across each that go deep into the trunk. There is sap leaking from these holes. What are these, how do I treat them,

flowering plum tree disease

QuestionWe are located in upstate NY. I noticed today that our flowering plum tree has dark growths on some of the branches and the branches appear to be split open in a few spots. A few years ago we had

Meyer Lemon Problems

QuestionDear Kathy, I live in Louisville KY and have a three year old Meyer (4 ft tall). After a stint outdoors during the summer, we brought a very healthy plant into the basement under fluorescent grow li

Please help my jasmines alive

QuestionJasmine disease QUESTION: I have one 5 feet tall Arabian Jasmine and 3 regular jasmines. All of them have same kind problem: a lot of dry leaves, small yellow spot around the edges of the leaves (phot

varda valley and american boxwoods

QuestionMy boxwood leaves are curling. They are not turning yellow, although their color could be better. Thank you for your help AnswerSounds like an insect called boxwood psyllid ,Cacopsylla bux

American Holly black spots

QuestionMy holly is yellowing and the leaves have black spots. The berries are red. I know the leaves will have some black spots and will shed but this appears to be more than the usual leaf drop.

key lime disease

QuestionI have a 6 ft, well established key lime tree. Lately Ive notices large black , tarry looking spots on the top of the leaves and a whitish, sticky substance on the back. There seems to be less li

Meyer lemon goop - pest or sap?

QuestionHi. Ive got a potted Meyer lemon that has stuff on the branches. It looks like flat little droplets of sap that has solidified. It isnt on the leaves at all, just the branches. It scr

fig disease

QuestionHello Kathy, thank you for your help on my previous questions. I have a mission and turkey fig tree. Both about one year old and about 4 feet tall. I live in Key West. The leaves look like

Mango tree has black dirt on it

QuestionI am not sure if my mango tree has disease or not. A lot of the leave on the east side of the tree has thick black dust looking powdery thing on it. I am not sure if the leaves are diseased or if they are ju

cottonwood trees dying black beetles in dead wood

Questionplease please hepl my entire 4 acreas are mowed and 25 cottonwoods, were beautiful like a park!! this year i lost 8 yes 8 in one year when we cut three down there were black beetles inside where do the

pecan tree - bark peeling

Questioni have two pecan trees in my backyard in south texas. the bark is peeling, and another bark seems to be forming underneath. trees are green. is this normal? AnswerYes it is normal. As the

bamboo plant

QuestionI have a bamboo plant in the house that I bought at a flea market. It sits in a vase of water and Ive had it for 1 year now. I forgot and left it sit on the end table one day and the cat chewed t

Aphids in my potted Banana tree soil

QuestionHello, I believe I have aphids in my potted Banana tree soil, I have not seen them on my plant yet. I have read I can rid my plant of these with a solution of Soapy Water, could you tell me what the ra

white scale on sago palm

QuestionKathy, You have not answered the question as to what kind of pesticide to use on the sago palm to try and get rid of the white scale. I have now cut off all the froms so I just have the trunk. N

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