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Hickory tree cankers.galls

QuestionMy neighbor has a fence row which has young hickory trees growing in it. Several of the trees have galls or cankers on them, mostly on branches in the middle or near the ends of the branches a few have them

Suffering Yucca

QuestionNewer growth with stic QUESTION: I have a Huge Yucca with so many problems. It alls started when we moved house about 3 years ago. The plant was in the moving van in winter for 5 days. When it arrived

gardenia blossoms

QuestionI have had a beautiful gardenia houseplant for about a month. Im now noticing that many of the buds are brown at the base and falling off. The plant is beautiful but I believe that some holes and


Question WHAT IS THIS? What is this material oozing form this tree? Photo taken in Mendocino National Forest. AnswerI can not tell the species of the tree BUT it looks like a conifer tree. Assuming this it l

Cane Plants

QuestionMy cane plant has yellow leaves, could you explain whats happening? Thanks AnswerHi V, Yellowing of lower leaves can be just normal aging. There are several reasons for yellowing leaves. Over or under wate


QuestionOur nectarine tree looks great, many small nectarines on the tree. Some about the size of the end of your thumb. However, this weekend, as we moved the tree under cover for the deep freeze that is expe

in home orange tree

QuestionI have a in home orange tree its happy in front of my large loft arbor window now for about 2 months i have tiny small whites clusters all over the leafs i have tried fungicides but seems to be getting worse

Meyer lemon tree infestation?

QuestionGreetings. I have a small Meyer lemon tree I planted in a pot last fall. I am in Portland OR, and brought it inside in October when the nights got cold. It is by a south-facing window in our sunroom, next

sticky substance on dwarf lemon tree

QuestionThe dwarf lemon tree produces a very sticky substance, the leave are curling and dropping off AnswerHi Catherine,Hi Annie, No problem, use Pure Neem Oil from Dyna Grow and it will take care of all your citr

probable scale infestatation in ficus benjamina (indoor) tree

QuestionI have a beautiful ficus benjamina tree which seems to be infested with brown scale. It has honeydew on its leaves and on the floor around the plant. What is the best way to treat this? I h

maple tree disease/fungus

QuestionHi, we have a really big maple tree. we noticed today that it has some strange white spots on some of the branches.( the bark itself is white) on the other parts there is a lot of other circles that ar

Grape Vine

QuestionHello. First, thank you for your time. I recently purchased a new home and it had an established grape arbor in the backyard. Just a small 4 post metal frame with grape vines growing up each leg and complete

Black spots on branches

Question Black spots My Live oak about 5yrs old and about 7foot tall has black spots on the branches not on the leaves but when you touch them they just fall of it is all over the front side and not on the back (nor

Golden Deodora

QuestionWe have a deodora in our pool area for 4-5 years now and it has always been beautiful, until now. This is the first time I have ever seen it dropping brown needles EVERYWHERE. You even brush it a

white on my Orange tree bark

QuestionMy Orange tree is 3 years and it is only 4 feet high and did not produce any oranges last season. I now find white on my tree bark. Is this a pest? How can I treat it? Thank You E AnswerHi Elain

Coral Bark Japanese Maple Oozing Sap

QuestionHi! I have a beautiful coral bark japanese maple that we planted in a sunny location location about 3 years ago. Its been doing well, but this past week we noticed a brown sap oozing from the tru

planting oak trees

QuestionWhat is the fastest growing oak tree that I can plant here in Ft. Myers, FL? I think this is a zone 9/10 area. AnswerHi John, Oak, Shumard Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak Fagaceae (Beech) Type Tree, woo

transplanted bald cyprus

QuestionLast February (o8)I transplanted a bald cyprus tree from the backyard to the front. In early April I transplanted a second one from the same spot. Both were tranplanted while still bare (dormant?). the first

Lime tree

QuestionA few months ago I bought a BEARSS lime tree grown at Colorama Wholesale Nursery here in California. It seemed well adjusted for 2-3 months. Several weeks ago it blossomed nicely, but in the last

plant growth

QuestionI really need help with my assignment.I need to know how long it takes for a tree to grow for the timber industry. please send back soon. by Laura AnswerIn will depend on the location, tree species, density

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