QuestionI live in Key West and have a Key Lime tree around 5 feet tall. The tree gets irrigation from a sprinkler system 10-15 minutes every other day. I have noticed that recently leaves are dropping of
QuestionGreetings. I have a dwarf key lime tree inside, currently growing in Miracle-Grow potting soil, in a plastic pot, Id say 10 gallon size. It did not come with a size indicator, I apologize. I had it in a
What is happening to our Emerald Green Arborvitae
Question Arborvitae close up of Hi Chad, Our arborvitae were planted in April 2004,they have been doing very well until late this past summer when the TIPS of them started turning brown and now they are very sparse
QuestionHi, I live in East Texas and have lots of plants but have always wanted a lemon tree., which is something you can not find here or have shipped her. My friend went to Florida a month ago and brought me back
pecans when growing turn black what should i do
Questionevery year my pecan tree has pecans but they end up turning black what should i do AnswerHi Brenda think this is your problem, checked around on the net so here goes.... Scab is the most common and damagi
QuestionOur euonymus has a problem with scale and I just sprayed it with dormant oil for that but in addition to the white scale the barky part of the limbs are now COVERED with brown dots which I assume is another
QuestionWe have a lemon tree that has been prolific in its growth & fruit-bearing. Now about 5 years old & had hundreds of large lemons this year alone. However, when we returned from travel in October (tree is on
QuestionMy king sago is quite large and for the past few years it has a whiteish substance under all the frons, from the base to the end. What is it and how do I get rid of it? Also, some of the frons have spots on
QuestionQUESTION: Our 4 legged Robellini has suffered from the recent frost/freeze. When should I trim off the brown leaves. ANSWER: Hi Meebers, I would trim that which is brown, do not trim any green a
QuestionHi Kathy: I have a Lime tree which I bought 2 years ago from a kit. Its doing quite well; plenty of flowers and buttons that resemble miniature limes; the problem, they all fall off and never mature to full
QuestionI have had this Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree for about 5 months. I put it in a 12 clay pot with organic Vortex Ladybug potting soil which is produced locally. I live near Austin, TX. The plant is
QuestionI have a hedge about ft. tall of Orange Jasmine that has been healthy but now is showing signs of yellowing. I have never fertilized it but Im sure it needs to be. The leaves look clean, but there are white
QuestionWe have a euonymous that has a problem with scale on a grand scale! I spray every spring for this stuff and it keeps coming back, this year, however, it is horrid. I use dormant oil spray which i
QuestionHi Jim, I have a problem with what looks like it may be a fungus attaching and growing on the roots of some plants and trees. I recently had a young avocado tree and a young naval orange tree die an
QuestionWhat type pesticide should we use to rid the trees of the white scale? Thank you AnswerHi Lesley Reports of Asian Scale sightings are becoming common in almost central and south Florida towns. Areas just
Not sure if it is black sooty mold...
QuestionI live in S. FL and have a long hedge of cocoa plum. It stand opposite a leafy shrub that is prone to white fly. The leaves show the tell-tale black mold but the cocoa plums stems (small trunks)
QuestionGreetings Jim. A maple tree in our yard has begun loosing its bark at the base of the tree, a mushroom like growth formed at the base and now there are some locations of this mushroom like mess in a fe
QuestionI have two trees in my eastern facing front yard that appear to have a fungus, as the trunk and branches have black areas. They did poorly last summer and I would like to know if I could spray them bef
QuestionThe trees around my garden have started to go brown mainly on the inside. This is spreading through the trees, there is still top growth. Is there any cure for this ? AnswerSounds like a needles disease-Cer
QuestionI have recently noticed that on my Cedar Spruce tree that there are holes in the bark. They go completely around the trunk in several places up the tree. the holes are about 2 cm in diameter and
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