QuestionI have a black sooty looking substance covering my oleanders. It started on one last summer and now has moved to the two beside it as well as 8 along a nearby fence. What should I do and do you k
QuestionKathy I have a gardenia tree that in the summer time lost it buds (more loss than bloom). I brought it in the house in September (I live on NY) and since then the plant has gone down hill.
Question wet truck one of the 13 Maples i planted 2 years ago had water running down the truck today and the others did not. what is causing these small holes.. AnswerLooks like wood pecker holes. Maples hav
QuestionI have a 15 yr.old Meyer lemon tree. It produces pretty good but the fruit has some scale on them and many have rough brown skin. Is there a product I can spray on the tree to eliminate the scale
QuestionMy orange tree is several years old and has been doing well til now. Some of the leaves are dry and curling and there are spidery looking webs on some of the branches. I have sprayed these with an insecticid
QuestionI have a dwarf Meyer lemon tree, I live in Arkansas, it is inside in a pot, I have had it since April 08. It has lost most of its leaves and has webs on it. I feel it is a spider mite but do not know what ch
QuestionI have a key lime in a solarium and it is infested with ants and has an extreme amount of black and green mold on the leaves. Ive tried just about everything. Do you have any helpful ideas? AnswerHi Anne ,
QuestionHi, Kathy. I had this braided money tree for about 6 months. I just noticed that there is what it seems to be fungus of some sort at the bottom near the soil. It looks like a thin layer of cotton. It is not
QuestionI have 2 large outdoor gardenia topiaries in southern Florida. In November they went from gorgeous to half dead. The leaves got dark and yellow. They also had lots of wasps landing on it and they became very
QuestionI have small black growth on wax myrtle stems. Some are covered with this rough small protrudings. When I scrape it off with my fingernail it is wet and purplish when rubbed between my fingers. I have spraye
Sticky residue on lemon tree leaves
QuestionHi, I have a lemon tree which is kept in doors. It is potted in the appropriate pot, and I have been following the instructions of care. However there is a sticky residue on the leaves and there is only one
fungus or insect on house lemon trees
QuestionI am housesitting and takeing care of some lemon trees for a friend of mine who is on vacation. The lemon trees leaves have been turning color and falling off, the little lemons are dying and fal
QuestionDo you get bamboo seed that takes six years to germinate? AnswerHi Ampie, There are many many types of bamboo which grows in all different types of climates. There is running bamboo, which I suggest s
Questionhi Kathy, this s shankar fr india. im living in southern part of india. now my mango tree is carrying large amount of flower. but there is some spiderweb like material all over the tree and its spoiling the
QuestionI recently noticed my Sago Palm has tiny little brown dots under its frans all on the lower edges and those look as if they may die? I am storing my two palms in my husbands work shop to keep them out of the
Leaf curl & leaf Miner - Citrus trees
QuestionI still have some fruit on the naval & grapefruit & getting leaf curl & leaf miner. Can I spray with say Volck & how long before I can pick the remaing fruit? AnswerVolck is used to discourage leaf miners--
Question Hi, thank you for taking time to answer my question. I just read the treatment for black flies. But I still have a question; After removing the top layer of soil, where the larvae lives, and aft
QuestionLast year my plumeria tree got leaves , but never blumed , everything else in the garden did . AnswerFor plumerias you should use a fertlizer with high phosphate content, such as Green Thumb Blossom Bloom 1
QuestionQUESTION: Hi,how are you. Weve got a plum as well as a peach tree and live in Zone 7b near Raleigh NC. Each year both trees have lots of fruit,however by the time it is ripening the fruit is covered by spots
QuestionI had a large wound on a Citrus (orange) tree where a limb broke off late last year. It was coated with copper sulfate by a local person. Now it looks as if the tree is dying. Would the copper sulfate cause
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