QuestionI am having trouble finding out what type of leaf spots my peace lily may have. I already know its a leaf spot. it is on the tip and around the sides of the leaf. Where can I found out what type of leaf spot
QuestionI have a indoor yucca tree over a year, recently, the pot plant area smell like cat pee, I watered it many many times, tried to rinse out the smell,but seems doesnt work at all, all the water came out from t
QuestionI have a lime tree in my garden. I have noticed that some of the leaves curl and are also misformed. Most of the fruit is normal but some of the fruit are also misformed. What is the problem? Thank you Answ
QuestionHi Kathy, ny name is Gary, I live in N.E. Fl. Very sandy soil in my area and the land used to be part of a very large tree farm raising primarily slash pines for pulp. 2 yrs ago we recieved two young plum tr
QuestionI have giant philodendrons planted next to 2 royal palm trees. They have black plastic around them covered with stones. The palm trees, now 3 years old, have thrived. The philodendron have
QuestionI have an orange treee and the fruit is sour. I was told because of a frost here in Texas the tree has gone sour and can,t be reversed. Is it possible to re graft another tree onto the rot structer as it is
Live Oak Tree Attacked Follow-Up
QuestionQUESTION: Location: Hollywood, FL The tree was identified as a live oak by a roving tree trimmer. My gardner found small white worms (with a dark cap) no more than 1/2 inch in length at the infected si
my foxtail palm leaves are browning and dry
Questionhi kathy, i have a foxtail palm inside my house and it seems to look like its dying or something.. the leaves are turning brown and dry. i have a loft townhome with natural lighting throughout and was
QuestionKathy - I planted beach sunflowers on the front part of my yard in an area about 8 x 24 next to the street (I live in Santa Rosa Beach in the panhandle of Florida). I tilled the area first and laid down a c
QuestionQUESTION: I have about 14 Pineapple plants. Two years ago I started getting a white or light grey fuzzy looking stuff growing on the leaves. Looks like little tuffs of cotton. I also have leaf spots on the p
Lemon and lime trees grown in containers
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 4 Bearss lime tree and 3 improved Meyer lemon tree both growing in containers. No one remembered to give them food this Spring so I ended up feeding them in August when I got back fr
Lucky Bamboo stems turning black
QuestionI have recently purchased a tier-type lucky bamboo plant with pebbles and ceramic vase. Some of the stems are having black spots in them. Roots are fine. I am worried about whether the stems are turning blac
QuestionMy grapefruit tree has small webs between its branches with tiny light dots inside. What is it and how can I treat it? Sometimes the leaves get covered too. AnswerHi Rosemary... I think what you may have is
QuestionI have 2 crape myrtles (in a 4 yr old development) which have a large amount of fungus on their bark. There are flat growths, fuzzy lichen type growths, even air plants and Spanish moss. Other crape my
QuestionQUESTION: Our ficus seems to be dying from the top down and has a large dark stain at the base of the trunk. I think it was overwatered by a summer caretaker, but that was some time back. Is the stain
loquat trees blossoms turning brown
QuestionSorry wrote the question in wrong box. Please let me know what fire blight looks like on loquat tree, and how to treat AnswerFire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a common and frequentl
QuestionHave a beautiful robellini double that is having problems. One side is completely dead and the leaves show some insect activity as they are being chewed on...have not checked soil PH and can overwateri
QuestionWeve moved to this house in Key Largo 5 years ago. There is a key lime tree next to the house, half in the shade from the palm leaves. The tree has never bared much fruit but for the last year it started loo
QuestionHello, I have an indoor tree whose name I am not certain of. It grows oranges about one inch in diameter and keeps a green leaf year round. Mine is about 5 feet tall, though Ive seen them trimmed as bushes.
Questionwe have a king palm that as soon as a frond develops it begins to die.I was baffled as our other kings seem okay. Today i noticed the trunk looked funny and when i touched it the bark fell away exposing a pi
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