QuestionRiver birch tree has numerous spider webs around many ends of the branches and they appear to choke off and kill the leaves/branches that are surrounded by the webs. AnswerHi Gary: I am not aware of spiders
QuestionOn 12/1/2009, you kindly answered my question, suggesting the growth on forest trees might be phomopsis galls. Someone else recently suggested Fusarium Canker with this link:
Questionmy Asian pears have indentations,and deformations.deformations are hard spots that penetrate through the fruit.i never had this problem until the last few years. Answer Hi Sonny, I do not grow Asian Pears h
Question Basil Thyme Hi, I am growing (well trying) to grow some herbs on a windowsill in my kitchen. However the plants seem to be catching the same disease over and over. The two most recent victims
Questionbranch leaves QUESTION: I have some florida native toothache trees, I assume Zanthoxylum clava-herculis. Very slowly, only on one tree, some leaves on one branch turned brown, that branch died
QuestionRhaps QUESTION: I am on a landscape committee for my community. No one can figure out what is wrong with these Rhaphiolepis shrubs. They look terrible and I believe they are supposed to be the PInk La
QuestionI have this young Lemon Tree, which has 6 lemons on it and they are beautiful, but recently I saw that the leaves curled and also bitten on some of the leaves. Then one day I found a 2 inch long, grey slimy
QuestionOak tree Oak tree QUESTION: Hi Melissa, Some of our Coast Live Oaks are showing a starnge dark colored oozing at thebottom of the trunks. COuld this be something serious like Sudden Oak Death?
Question Rhaps Hey Melissa, Is this leaf spot as well on these Indian Hawthorne shrubs? What are the chances of crown and root rot happening? AnswerDear Susan, Yes this is some leaf spot developing on this
QuestionI have two pecan trees and one of them has a problem where the bark is peeling. I cant see anything or see what is causing the problem. I can send pictures I took of the trees. I am really concerned I may lo
Questionround ball about 8 to 10 inches has grown on the north side of my 300 yr old oak tree it appears to have a fuzzie surface and it is round protruding from the tree where the bark is split going to the branche
Photosynthesis process and its applications.
QuestionQUESTION: Dear Kathy http://bioenergy.asu
black spots on shi shi gashira leaves
QuestionI have noticed black spots on the leaves of the shi shi I planted this summer. Since they are currently blooming, can I spray Malithion on them? If I cant spray now, how likely is it that the pla
Questionmany of the leaves look chewed up on the edges and some have large dark spots. I noticed a white bug which my neighbor said was a boweevil. What type of insecticide etc can i get to stop this AnswerHi Steve
QuestionDear Dr Vann, We have a 20 Norfolk Pine that was transplanted about six months ago. It has been very healthy looking and vibrant up until recently when I noticed termites all over the base of the tree
QuestionI was given a ponytail palm when I was 5. My family and I have taken care of it since. I will soon be 45. Just lately all the leaves have drooped til they drag themselves out of the top. Ho
QuestionPalm pic 1 PAlm pic 2 QUESTION: Hi, My Palm tree has a black spot as shown in the pictures, the leaves seam dry and it seams hollow when i knock on it just above the black spot. Can you please
QuestionHi Dr. Vann, I was just viewing the answer you gave to someone who was having a concern about the bark peeling off her rose tree (including her photo). My situation is similar but Im not certain of the degr
leaves, and now branches, of Meyer lemon tree yellowing
QuestionHi Kathy - My lemon tree is 3 years old and I live (part time) in Arizona - so sandy soil. It is watered by an irrigation system that is not hooked up to a soft water system - so hopefully salt is not the pr
QuestionMy oak trees have horned oak galls.Is there any chemical that will treat this condition? Thanks AnswerCurt: Chemical control isnt usually called for this pest. Like many other tree insects, there are usual
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