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old walnut stump

Question very smelly moldy waln We have an old walnut stump that has sprout with mold a couple of weeks ago. Like seriously covering the whole 2 diameter stump from top to ground. Was actually growing across grass.

Meyer Lemon problem

QuestionLooks like beaded styrofoam on stems and underside of leaves - what to do? AnswerSounds like an insect problem. If there is edible fruit on the tree I would use Safers Insecticidal Soap as a treatment

fungus on Bradford pear tree

QuestionWe have a large Bradford pear tree in our front yard. Over the past two weeks we have had around 13 inches on rain and today I noticed a whitish/gray like fungus on a lot of the roots of the tree and on the




QuestionOur wisteria has been healthy and flowered for the past 10 years. This year it flowered and in last 2 weeks all the leaves have just died. (Another wisteria is still healthy in another part of the garden) T

Nutall Oak lichen/Fungus?

QuestionI have several 6y/o Nutall/Shumard Oaks developing a greenish/gray lichen/fungus all on the trunk and branches. I have it on my old live oaks w/o problems but the branches on the Nutalls are losing leaves an

pear rot

QuestionQUESTION: i have a bradford pear tree with beatiful fruit on it , but when they start getting ripe they rot & and fall off the tree with a splat. ANSWER: Bradford pears do not make edible fruit. It i

dead banana tree

QuestionQUESTION: Dear Kathy, I bought a healthy young (4 leaf) banana plant from a greenhouse about 10 years ago. It was doing very well growing from about 4 inches to about 3 feet. Approximately 5 years ago my eld

bad peach fruit

QuestionFor the last couple of years, I have sprayed my peach trees when dormant, budding and blooming but when the fruit gets on and ripen, the peach has brown around the seed and I have seen some worms but the one

leaf loss and discolorization on bradford pear trees

QuestionI have 2 18 year old Bradford Pear trees one of which is surrounded by concrete driveways, the second is close to the concrete driveway. Both are experiencing the same symptoms. For the past 5 ye

tree blight

Questioni have a small sumach in my small city garden.it is approx 10- 15 years old.it has several patches of weeping sticky substance that is cream in colour and bleeds when poked rather like an abcess.the garden i

My Aloe Vera Plant

QuestionHello, I have recently bought an Aloe Vera plant, I thought Aloe Gel is meant to be clear, however the gel from my plant is yellow in colour with a potent smell. Is this normal? I currently keep it on my win

Thuja tree care/disease

QuestionI have a Thuja tree, potted and approx 2m tall. Shortly after I bought it, it developed clumps of small white gooey balls at the tip which I was told were lice and used a poison recommended by the garden cen

dying yew branches

QuestionI have a long yew hedge that has seemed generally healthy for more than five years. This year, however, tips of many branches and even some entire branches are turning brown and falling off. Ye

My Japanese Maple

QuestionMy Japanese Maple QUESTION: My Japanese Maples leaves have changed color from a green to a dark red. it was only in a small area of the tree a couple of weeks ago but now its spread. i wonder if any o

Meyer Lemon Tree in NJ

QuestionI purchased this tree 2 years ago. I potted it like the instructions advised and had 2 lemons last year. Since I am in NJ, I bring it in for the winter. This last winter, I noticed that the

Banana leaf plant fungus?

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I have a 9ft banana leaf plant potted in the corner of my living room. Its beside a window and gets ample light and air, and I water it well once a week (as I was instructed to). It looks healt

Curling leaves and dying trees

QuestionI planted a lovely crab apple tree and fuchsia in my back garden and they were thriving for a few months until my partner planted two new lilacs and two rose bushes near them. Now all of them hmqappear

sago palm stopped producing leaves

QuestionQUESTION: i live in florida and have 2 sago palms in my front yard. for some reason over the past 2 years one of them which has 2 heads has stopped producing any leaves at all. we cut off one of the heads to

sick aloe plant

QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kathy I hope you can help me with this problem. I have a 12yr old aloe plant that I have been taking care of for my boyfriend while he is away. At first it was very happy & now the 2 main stems

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