fewer leaves and trunk damage?
Question Damaged Maple Trunk Upper Maple Hi - I live in the metro Toronto area, and our white maple is approx 12 yrs old. All was well until this year, noticed fewer leaves on some almost dead looking b
QuestionI just noticed the bark damage on my japanese maple tree. I removed a piece of the bark and noticed a large amount of dark bugs. How do I get ride of these bugs asap. My tree is 5yrs old an
Autumn Blaze Maple Leaf Rigid and Deformed
Question DSCF1369 Hello Jim, I have two Autumn Blaze Maple trees in a row on a side of a hill about 20 feet off or a paved driveway. There is a huge 35 year old Sugar Maple in the same row to the south of th
QuestionHi! I live in Dallas, within the last two months my five dwarf yaupon hollies have started to turn black in a donut fashion, green in the center with a black donut and green growth on the outside. Can
QuestionWe noticed brown fuzzy balls on the leaves, mostly following the midline vein of the leaf. AnswerJodie: These fuzzy balls are probably a type of insect (usually a very very small wasp)that makes a gall on t
QuestionJim, We purchased a weeping willow cherry tree in May. We live in Alabama and have had a considerable amount of rain this summer. The branches and leaves on top of the tree are curled and brown. It looks de
Question Mountain ash tree Mountain ash tree Hello. I live on an acreage in central Alberta Canada. We have 1 mountain ash tree in our yard, it gets flowers on it but not really anything for berri
Question Spruce Tree I have some kind of spruce tree, and suddenly is is dying. It is about 14 years old and looked great all year then just last week, then I noticed some dead branches on the bottom north si
Green Moutain Ash with Orange Berries
QuestionMountain Ash Orange Be Black Growth QUESTION: Hello Dr. Vann, There is a Green Moutain Ash whose flowers turn into Orange Berries in my back yard. The tree was planted by the previous owner in
Question cherry tree cherry tree Hi Dr. Vann, My question is regarding a cherry tree that was on our property when we purchased our home 7 years ago. This will turn out to be 2 questions actually
Spider nesting on cotoneaster hedge
QuestionWhat insecticide do you recommend for spiders on cotoneaster hedge, some hedge has died , some is covered in powdery mildew. I think sevin would work in the powder form. AnswerShawna: Spiders by themselves
QuestionI purchased a dwarf Japanese maple tree around 7 weeks ago, when I purchased it the leaves were crimson colored, but now the leaves are green and the very tips of the leaves look dry. I try to water it often
QuestionI purchased a dwarf Japanese maple around 7 weeks ago, when I purchased it the leaves were crimson colored, but now the leaves are green and the very tips of the leaves look dry. I try to water it often and
QuestionI have many forsythia bushes throughout my property, they are established plants. These plants have had no problems however, I noticed today that several have whole sides turning brown and dying, others look
Strange bush by Asian Pear Tree
Question Berry thing I have several asian pear trees and on either side of one of them are two bushes that are producing lots of tiny little berry type things. I have attached a picture of what this ber
Question Growth on Bark This tree is sick. The leaves and the berries are sparse and there is a fungus or something growing on the bark. It also seems to be drying out. We have tried fertilizer and increased
Question Snake plant I have a miniature version of a snake plant and have had it for about 25yrs. It has been trial and error for the entire time! I keep it at least 4 to 6 ft away from the window and water i
QuestionWe have a fruitless mulberry tree in our from yard and had it pruned 2 years ago. This year we have noticed that a couple of branches look like they died off and some areas of the tree has that bark lifting.
QuestionHello Dr. Vann, I welcome your advice on the matter of a poplar tree that has diseased bark in the area of the trunk where there is a juncture connecting the main branches. A few years ago I noticed the prob
rust spots on forsythia leaves
Question forsythia I live in NM. We are in a drought but we just had a nice rainy month. I have 4 newly planted dwarf forsythia bushes. They are not doing well and the leaves have rust-looking spots on them.
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