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Weeping Willow Trunk with Holes

QuestionI moved into a new home 3 weeks ago and have noted that the weeping willow trunk looks as though something has borrowed holes all over the trunk. I do not see insects and the leaves are present-any ide

crepe myrtle infestation

QuestionI have a crepe myrtle tree. It is infested with insects that seem to be attached to the branches and trunk of the tree. Ive also noticed sap on the sidewalk near the tree. The insects are a

ficus leaf disease

QuestionHi Kathy, Im so glad to hear you mention tropics. I live in the British Virgin Islands and have three ficus trees all with the same problem. Their leaves are folding in half and are filled with

Dying undergrowth on Norway Spruces

QuestionI am trying to find out why my Norway Spruces (3) all have dead limbs at the base of each tree. They all have new growth this year, but look a little sparse. The bottom 1/8th of all the trees hav

Magnolia Tree Disease

QuestionI have a potted magnolia approx 9ft tall with new growth and flower buds. I water it daily. Many of the leaves are turning yellow and falling off which I thought was normal. However, some develop large brown

Grapevine with Curled leaves

QuestionI live in California near San Francisco. A few months ago my dad and I planted 3 grape vines in the ground, with full sun. This consisted of 2 Thompson Seedless and one other kind that we arent s

Disease on Asian Pear Tree

QuestionHello David, Just lately I noticed all the leaves on my Asian pear tree has rust-like spots and all the tiny fruits have dropped. What is the disease and what should I do to prevent this problem next y

lilac bush with fuzzy white stuff on branches

QuestionMy lilac bush is about 3 years old. This spring it finally bloomed and now in June it is covered in a white, fuzzy coating. The branches are affected, not the leaves. What is this and can it be treated? Ans

Worms on petunias

QuestionThis is 2nd year I have worms on my petunias. They are planted in the same pot & soil, is the soil infested & is that why worms keep coming back? If so, how do I get rid of them now & should all

Pittosporum Variegated

QuestionHello, I have 3 Pittosporum Variegated shrubs which I planted last spring. Theyve been doing really well until the past few weeks, when the leaves of one of the shrubs started to wilt and pale in color

Black Oak Seeping Sap

QuestionYesterday I noticed sticky sap seeping down the trunk of our Black Oak (at about 4 feet off the ground), is this something to be concerned about? In doing a search of the topic - nothing I found sounded good

Plum tree disease?

QuestionWe have a 5 year old plum tree that has developed small raised bumps on the trunk and some branches. The bumps are fairly soft, and easily scrape off, leaving a missing bit of bark. Is this a dis

weeping Queen Palm

QuestionI have a new home with 2 Queen Palms planted by the builder in the front yard 20 apart. They were planted November 2007. One was replaced a few months ago because it started to curve inward

weeping willow leaf drop

QuestionThe leaves of my weeping willow have, in the last two weeks, turned yellow and are all falling off. No obvious bug infestation. Any idea as to why this is happening? AnswerHi Steve..if you do not see bugs t

Tibouchina Tree Insects

QuestionMy tibouchina tree has holes in the leaves and has white insects with hard crusts! Ehat are they and how can I kill the. One brown (large) flew away! I have used Malathion and still have the prob

bad odor in soil

QuestionHi, Was cleaning out, weeding a neglected bed, generally dry. Area has a Pittosporum tree, asparagus fern at base, also a concrete flue (upright) filled with snails, and a healthy rosemary plant.  

Choke Cherry branch fungus? virus? black growth

QuestionMy Choke Cherry has developed wide thick black growth on many of its branches. The branches affected have narrowed near the trunk. Though there were many, I cut all the sick branches off.  

azalia disease

Questionmy azalia has a disease which turns healthy leaves into leaves which swell up into thick cream, turning to brown,succulent distorted leaf. can you help? chas AnswerThe azalea has leaf gall, which is a funga

Weeping Cherry Tree Problem

QuestionI have a weeping cherry tree that is about 24 years old. Recently I noticed a growth on the trunk of the tree near the grown about the size and shape of a softball. There is sap oozing out of the

wheeping willow

QuestionMy husband planted a beautiful weeping willow in our front yard. But it is now way to big. Is it OK to Top off a weeping willow? We really do love it but it is approaching power lines. AnswerHi Linda..this

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