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Honey Locust problem

QuestionHi We have a honeylocust tree that is about 13 years old. Each year for the last 2 years, it has dropped some brown stuff that looks like seeds. Now this year, this tree is just makin

wilted leaves on crepe myrtle

QuestionProbably 8-10 yr. old crepe myrtle has been beautiful every year. This year the leaves were slow to arrive and now the leaves are wilted looking with no shine on the wilted leaves. No evidence of

aristocrat pear disease?

QuestionI planted two aristocrat pears in my front yard twenty years ago. One is doing fine and is approximately 30ft tall. The second one is only 16 to 18ft tall, and seems to be in some distress this year. Foliage

Weeping Cheery Blossom Tree Mites?

Question2 - 3 yr. old weeping cherry blossom tree - many sets of 2 leaves twined together with 1 of the leaves crcled in upon itself and rotting. Also saw very tiny white mite (?) on leaf. What is it and how d

ill plants

Question Yellow leave Yellow leave 2 Hi Melissa, Sorry, I noticed that I accidentally added 2 pictures of the lemon plant. I will attach a picture of the tropical plant. To be honest I recently noticed


QuestionHello, I have some swamp milkweed here, and Im coming across a problem that I had last year as well. These are two year old seedlings Ive grown from seed, and last year later in the year the green leaves of

Sick Butterfly Bush

QuestionI have an eight year old Dark Knight Butterfly Bush that has struggled the last couple of years, with droopy leaves and few blooms. Now this year, leaves are turning yellow and falling off on one side

little bugs

QuestionHi Melissa, Thanks for the advice! But to be honest I dont think the bugs you described are the same ones bugging me. The bugs on the lemon plant dont have any wings, but do jump. They do not grow bigger th

Moldy Smelling Corn Plant

QuestionMy Dracaena Fragrans, which I keep indoors and is 6 feet tall and in perfect condition, has suddenly developed a very strong moldy smell. What is so strange is that it is NOT coming from the dirt, which I wa

Fungus on Fig tree trunk

QuestionYou answered a similar question a while back on fig tree outside that has a fungus growing on the trunk. When I tried to remove the fungus it was heavy,dense, and attached. The trunk underneath is soft. We l

King Palm Tree

Question King Palm Tree What is this frowning from within my king palm tree!? AnswerDear Ana Lucia, Kudos for an amazing plant picture! This is very unusual. I am not positive, but I think I kno

crape Myrtle trees

QuestionI have 4 Crape Myrtle trees (2-Twilight, 2-Tuscarora). They all about 3 feet tall. I planted these trees about the beginning of June and also had put the soil food sticks. I water the trees

Hibiscus with white fungus

Question Hibiscus Good Afternoon, I live in Virginia. One of the hibiscus plants I have on my front steps has spreading white stuff on the stems. In some places it is almost powdery while in oth

blackspot on knockout roses

QuestionHi Melissa We have 5 knockout roses in the front of our house that are 6 years old. They have done very well in the past and are about 5 feet tall. Normally I cut them back a little in the spring but they ha

Bottom leaves on heirloom tomato plants curling and discoloring

QuestionHello: I am a very experienced (30+ years) organic gardener. I live in CT in zone 5B. I have a large yard-based veggie garden and 7 raised bed gardens for various herbs and spring/summer/fall cr

Cleveland Pear

QuestionI live in Ohio I just planted 2 pear trees about a mo. ago. They were doing great. Now there is something eating the leaves. I sprayed them with seven, that don`t seem to be helping. But we are getting a lot

Indian Hawthorne plant

QuestionWe have numerous Indian Hawthorn plants in our yard. Some have developed leaf spot (numerous brown spots on the leaves) and the leaf coverage on the bush seems to be only about 30% of what it should be. &nbs

red growth on weeping willows

QuestionWe have 2 weeping willows and both of them have red spines growing out of the roots and trunk. What is it and if it is harmful to the tree how do I control it? AnswerDear Jason, This was actually a tough qu

Colorado Blue Spruce

QuestionI have recently bought a new home in Baltimore City, Maryland which has several trees on the property, including a very large Magnolia, a huge Holly tree and a massive Colorado Blue Spruce. My question

Red Maple problems

Question branch leaf I live in North Carolina and recently have had problems with Red Maple trees in our front yard. Some of the branches have lost some or all of its leaves. Those branches

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