Dwarf Lisbon Lemon with yellow spots
QuestionHello- I have a potted dwarf Lisbon lemon that grows outside (Arizona). It just had a growth spurt and a few flower buds. It is 3 years old and has never fruited yet. This morning it has yellow spot on the n
QuestionQUESTION: Hi David, I bought an English ivy plant last summer and until February it was growing fast. But unfortunately in the last 2 months, some of the stems dried. It started from the bottom and it was s
QuestionI am surprised that this is outside your expertise...given the information about you areas of knowledge on the website, it would seem to be precisely up your alley! Do you know of anyone who might have
QuestionIm having problems with this plant. The leaves on my coast leucothoe are dying back starting at the tip. On the leaves a distinct purple border is next to the brown dead tissue and the green tiss
QuestionTwo of the six cypress trees in the back yard of my newly purchased home are turning gray. I looked at them closely and they have webbing around each of the leaves. Can you tell me what the probl
QuestionHi, Jim: I noticed that the bark around the trunk(near the root) of my 30 years old Japanese Maple tree start getting loss last year and a quarter of the bark already gone during the last winter, I am not su
QuestionIve got a sunset maple that I planted about 4 years ago. The last 2 years I have noticed that between the base of a branch and the tip on some of the branches, the leaves are nonexistent. It also has a sligh
2 year old weeping willow tree
QuestionMy weeping willow tree was putting out green leaves about 3 weeks ago. I noticed last week the green leaves were no longer there. I checked and they had all died off. Some of the tree branches wi
QuestionHi there, I have a pomelo tree that bears a lot of fruits, unfortunately, the fruits are pretty small and crinkled, citrus fertilizer didnt help either. The fruit inside is sour and bitter. The t
Bradford Pear in Fort Worth, TX
QuestionHello. We have a 6 year old Bradford Pear tree that has always done well up to now. This year it bloomed normally, but as the blooms faded and the leaves began to show, they have brown spots and
QuestionQUESTION: I live 30 miles SE of Dallas, TX. With Sandy/Clay soil.My sister gave me a large pot grown Japanese Maple last fall. We planted it in a semi-shaded garden. It started leafing out
QuestionHello, I purchased Volck oil to control gypsy moths. Is this product effective for this application? I live in central NJ where we are having a recent problem with this pest. Thus far, the
QuestionQUESTION: I inherited a young magnolia tree from the previous owners, and it did fine for two years, but is suddenly dying or dead. The very few leaves are all brown, the bark is greyish, and there is a larg
QuestionI have two magnolia trees in my yard, they seems to be stressed, I have leaves covering the lawn every day, they are yellowed, some very dark and spotted. They very seldom blosson, they just drop on th
QuestionI have a Palatka (also known as a Dahoon Holly). I purchased the tree in September, 2007 from a local landscape nursery in Ocala, FL, where my family and I live. (Zone 9) This little tree was beautiful
QuestionA well established (15 yrs) rosemary plant is dying off rapidly & Ive discovered the branches, especially low down have a thick encrustation of a brown growth. No insects visible. When the branch has died th
Fig Tree, brown veins, wilting leaves
QuestionHello, The leaves on my fig tree have suddenly begun to wilt and some of them have brown veins. It is potted, watered frequently (soil remains damp) and was off to a grand start a few weeks ago. Any ideas/
QuestionI started a mulberry tree from a clipping about two or three years ago.It has been doing super until now,its still growing really well and still bearing a good amount of berries and is about 6 feet tall but
Questionwe used to have 3 crimson maples on the south side of our house about ten feet or so from our driveway. the soil we have is 100% clay but that hasnt affected any of our trees except these. a few years ago
Care of Red Ti Plants and Jamaica Plants
QuestionHi Kathy, I recently acquired two healthy plants: I was told that one is a Red Ti and needed to be watered about one per week. The other, I was told, is a Jamaica Plant. I was told to repo
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