October Glory Maple tree question
QuestionSome of the bark on our Oct. Glory Maple (planted 4 years ago)has turned black, feels a little slick (almost a greasy feel), and has some cracks in it that are mostly about 1 to 2 inches long. This is mostly
QuestionA portion of each of my EuonymusBlondie bushes have white specks on them and these areas are dying. These specks are also on some of the branches. Can you tell me what they are and how to fix the problem. A
Spider webs on evergreen shrub/Holly
QuestionHi, i have a Holly that has a spider web problem. I dont see any bugs.I do see clusters of webs with old dead leaves. The webs are thick like a pupa or cocoon. They are spreading to surrounding bushes. Some
QuestionOur Walnut tree has small white worm like insects beteen the nut and the green coverning. Can you tell us how to cure this. Thanks, Sharon AnswerSounds like the walnut husk fly. The walnut husk fly a
Questioni have noticed that my magnolia and hydrangea have a silvery slightly powdery dust on their leaves i have recently lost a willow to this i think as it died for no apparent reason AnswerSounds like a disea
Crepe Myrtles and decorative pine
QuestionJim, I need some help on two different ornamental trees I have in my yard. We live Texas north of Dallas. The first is a crepe myrtle. I have 15 of these in a line across the front of my yard. These vary i
QuestionI have a tree in my back yard that we here when I moved in. I have noticed since I moved in that the leaves on the tree have green lump on the back. Is there anything that I can do about them and what are th
QuestionHave read previous posts on white flies, and have been spraying the affected plants we have (live in Phoenix - mainly they have ravaged our Hibiscus) twice daily. Some of our plants have dropped 80-90 of the
QuestionHi, my Sago Palm has a fungus or disease underneath the leaves & all of the lower leaves have turned yellow. The fungus or disease are little brown bumpy things all over. Can this be cured or sho
You helped me on a Sago palm & was hoping youd help me with some others.
QuestionHi, my mom has a rubber plant & she said the leaves are falling off. It has moderate sunlight & waters it as needed. I have 2 Ponytail palms & they seem as though theyre growth is stunted.
QuestionI have a tropical cane tree (not exactly sure of the name - it was a gift) that has started getting white mold on its soil. I feel that it comes from too much humidity in our apartment, but scrapping off the
lamon tree curled up distorted leaves
QuestionI live in texas San Antonio. the young leavese of my lamon and orange trees are getting very ditorted, the are narrow and curled up but growing. AnswerHi Aisha, we have the same problem here in Florida. &nb
QuestionI have what appears to be a white scaly type of fungus on my Sagos and now the fronds are yellowing. We have only had these since spring and Im afraid Im about to lose them. Please help me Save The Sagos. A
QuestionI have several Jasmine trees in my back yard. The leaves are falling off. I look closely at the leaves and on the backside of the leaf I can see very tiny orange/redish splotches. Then large black spots star
QuestionWe live in NW Austin, TX and have an Oak tree that has a growth about the size of a small orange. It it slighly orange in color and has been growing for 4 - 6 weeks. It has pulled a piece of bark away from t
QuestionIn my neighborhood, there are plenty of Oak trees. Many of them are oaks. The Oaks, particularly White Oaks are suffering from disease. The most prominent disease is one that I cannot seem
QuestionHi, I have what I believe to be a hickory tree that is at least 35 years old. It has these dark, round growths on many of the branches. They seem to be about 2-3 diameter and arranged singly alon
QuestionI have planted approximately 30 3ft golden castlewellan leylandii at the bottom of my garden, hoping that in a couple of years we would have a good thick screen from the road. Unfortunately the garden
QuestionOur pin oak tree has what look like spider webs all over the leaves (not on the bark). There are no spiders to be seen, but there are little brown seed looking things in the webs. Are these webs
QuestionQUESTION: My gardenia plant leaves have turned yellow, waxy looking but not all, some of the leaves turned brown then dried, I pruned them off, never had a problem with them before what gives? The rose pla
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