QuestionHi John, I have a lemon tree which has got brown dots similar to an other question I saw you answering here, however the dots appear on both the upside and downside of the leaves as well as the branches. Jus
grape vine curling and browning
QuestionI purchased a grape vine about six months ago. Recently, about a few weeks ago, I noticed that the leaves were turning brown and drying. I removed these leaves. New leaves would grow, but t
Questionhello! I just got back from a my long weekend to find mushrooms growing in my potted succulent plant (i believe the short name for the plant is a zizi?). i watered the plant before i went away (i normally w
QuestionI see it is some kind of lice in texas, would it be the same in south carolina? I iave a gigantic oak the base of the trunk is 9.5 around!!! i am told its over 100 yrs old. the north side and lower branches
QuestionHi John 6 days ago I planted several Viburnum Chindo (5gal size) in my yard. They were very good specimens bought from a local nursery. I planted them in full sun in a large hole with Miracle Grow shrub soil
QuestionHello. Just planted 2 trees in my lawn. One, a Crape Myrtle, is doing great. The other, a Flowering Plum, not well at all. Can you give me any tips to bring the plum back to health. I planted them about 3 da
Foam / Frothing Sweet Basil plant?
QuestionI bought some Sweet Basil cuttings at my local farmers market (they arent certified organic but the lady said they never had any chemicals on them). Im a beginner gardener so I put the cuttings in &n
QuestionHi Chad, I have a beautiful white birch tree in my back yard here is Ontario Canada that is full of tent caterpillar nests. The problem is a lot of the webs are about 40 feet in the air & I cant reach them t
QuestionHi, I think I may know the answer to this question, but I want to make sure. I have about 8 Bradford pear trees that I planted 3 years ago in San Angelo (West) Texas. One of the trees just totall
QuestionThis might not be your expertise but I cant seem to find any one else to answer this question. Where do catapillars go to make their cocoon? I have many catapillars but cant seem to find any cocoons. D
QuestionI have many boxwoods and euonymous that are being drained of color and dropping leaves. Im frantic because I will have to replace so many. Too late to stop damage? How can I protect the few that are remainin
QuestionQUESTION: My Jade, out of no where, began to droop, (that is, all the major stems, the ones that are tall enough, are bent over, almost as if they cannot hold their own weight.) If this is a disease, what ca
QuestionMy yucca plant keeps getting spots on the lower leaves, then turns yellow and dies. The stem of the plant then becomes longer and longer, with fewer leaves. What can be done? Thank you. An
QuestionI have big yellow mushrooms and mold growing in my Jade Plant pot. Is this a plant disease and how do I get rid of this? AnswerDiane, These mushrooms and molds are natural decomposers; they use the d
Questionhello I have a lemonade tree since 12 month it flowered and carried even fruit, how ever now that spring is here and it had flowers I am worried because the leaves are starting to curl very much, what is it
Phlox dying for no apparent reason
QuestionHi. I hope you can help me discover why my beautiful and totally healthy David phlox just started to die for no reason. One day I noticed that a couple of the stems were wilted (just the leaves)
hybrid willow hit by weed and feed
QuestionI have a hybrid willow in its first year grown from a root. It has grown 5 feet tall. It was hit by some weed and feed that blew on it, I guess. The leaves fell off but it is still standing
QuestionJohn, I am in Central Texas and have a sago palm that has little brown spots down the center of each leaf on top and bottom. It has rained a lot here lately. This situation started on a few leave
QuestionI have a mature Papershell Pecan tree in the back yard and I cut out all of the tents I saw this summer however I am now seeing an onslaught being forged on the foliage on the tree. I cut a branch off that w
brown spots on king palm leaves
QuestionWe have eleven king palm trees in our yard. One of them, which is planted on a lawn develops rusty color spots on its leaves. These spots turn to dark brown and cover the whole leaf. At t
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