Questionhelp!! My crate myrtles are being invaded by these ladybug size critters. They are attached to the leaves like a tick does on humans. My plants are all turning blace even the limbs and leaves. What are these
QuestionI dont know the name of the plant but it has broad long green leaves, the flower has a long stem with a lot of small purple flowers forming a ball. My question is: the plant leaves were turning yellow
fruitless weeping mulberry tree
QuestionJust a few days ago I notice my once beautiful young tree with yellow leaves and black spots on one half of the tree. I want to know what to do to save my tree. AnswerSounds like a leaf spot fungi but this
QuestionHello, We live in Houston, TX, the weather was unusually cool for Houston this year, we have had a LOT of rain, but no flooding in our area. Although cool for Houston the temp has been in the low 90s most
QuestionI live in southern Arkansas and have three large hackberry trees in my backyard near an above ground pool. There is also a large oak tree in the group. For the past three years the hackberrys secrete a
Fertilizing and watering of a pomegranet
Question Hi, I have a pomegranet bush/tree that I bought 2 yrs ago at the local Lowes... the tag that came with the tree didnt really have much in the way of care listed. So far we have had 5 or 6 blooms that seem t
QuestionThere are tiny yellow bugs crawling all over the leaves and in the soil of my plants. The plants are dying. I have sprayed with soapy water, I guess I am giving them a shower. I have sprayed them
QuestionQUESTION: I have a lemon or lime (the citrus are green but my landlords say its a lemon tree) in my backyard. It has a white fungus that collects on and around the fruit, and there are tons of small black an
QuestionI have this plant and it is dropping leaves every day. A few leaves have discolored to a dark brown. My neighbor recently gave me this plant and she told me it was dropping leav
walnut tree with huge spider web like bags full of worms spanning several branches
QuestionWhat are these and how can I kill them? AnswerSounds like an insest called Fall Webworm. The fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury), is most often discovered when the unsightly, light gray, silken webs on t
QuestionWe have a small piece of woodland behind our cottage in South West Wales. The trees are 20 years old including a number of oaks which are starting to look as if they are dying. One has got what appears to be
QuestionI am growing basil... spread out in different location in my apx 1/2 acer market garden the plants were all started in doors at stagerd intervuls and planted at different times.some are now getting blacktips
QuestionI have a Lemon Bush planted in my back yard that has been there for atleast 10 years I live in Southern California and our climate is hot in the summer and mild in the winter. Up until last year the tree pro
QuestionI live 30 miles west of Boston and I have a willow that is over 50 percent dead in my back yard. It is located next to a stream that flows in the spring but drys up in the summer. The soil is mos
QuestionHi, I seem to have a general problem with fungus. I have a semi-shade garden that gets various types of fungus throughout the summer. The lilacs have powdery mildew. The roses have back spot. The impatiens h
Ming Aralia very sick, over wattering has lead to near demise, or so it seems
QuestionQUESTION: I have a wonderful Ming Aralia, which was, until about a week or so ago, quite healthy. I admit that I can become over-attentive to my house plants at times, and given its past vigor, I thought no
QuestionI think I have some sort of soil disease in a section of my garden. I had a Walking Iris planted and it just fell over and died after a few weeks. I planted a new one and it is doing the same thing. I looked
QuestionWe have a mature Fruitless Mulberry tree in our backyard and noticed a problem with it lately. At the base of the trunk (right at the soil) a messy, putrid and wet soil has begun to emerge in the last
QuestionI have an Oak tree that has been dropping excessive sap. I cant see any sap oozing from the tree. It just seems to be coming off the branches. This is the first time in 11 years that it has done this. The sa
QuestionFrom central california High summer heat,low humidity. I have a couple of crape myrtyle (dont know species) with sticky residue and curling brown leaves, and lots of webs(dont see any insec
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