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flowering peach tree

QuestionIve had my flowering peach tree for 5 years.at the end of last year i noticed the tree is turning a black color.(bark).looking at it closer it has just started to bud which is good,the black substance will s

pecan tree bark coming off in large sections

Questionmy pecan tree is around 40 to 50 years old.very very big.it lives about 50 feet from a creek.My wife and i can barely get our arms around it.It just started losing a large section of bark,starting about 25 f

Hickory tree disease

QuestionI have been loosing 10-15 mature hickory trees per year and want to try and stop it. It does not seem to be affected shag bark Hickory... large Galls on the trees. I contacted DNR and had them c

Sick Umbrella plant

Question Umbrella Plant The plant is about 10 years old and 5-6 feet tall. Never any problems until now . The leaves are getting wavy along the edges and on the lower branches where the leaf turns into a stem


QuestionHi have not sprayed anything on my apples since dormant,now its flower time.what should i spray on petal fall to strengthen remaining apples as here we are experiencing cold temperature for apples.can i spra

Rosemary Bugs

QuestionMy large potted rosemary plant has taken on a sick looking yellowish spotted look on some of the branches. There appear to be tiny bugs in the plant and there are webs all though it with small spiders

black spots on my sugar maple tree

Question Maple trunk2 maple trunk1 Hi, this spring we noticed black spots and stripes on the main trunk of our sugar maple tree. It almost looks like someone took a blow torch and burned spots (or

Mountain Laurel

QuestionWe have hundreds of Mountain Laurel on our property. We have been using Holly Tone as a fertilizer. This Spring the Laurels we pruned turned yellow and very spotty and look as if they are dying. Need to keep

indoor fig plant

QuestionI have a indoor fig plant that is around 12 yrs old. It seems to be healthy, but I can see little green berry looking things on it this year. What could they be? AnswerHi Gwen: Can you send me a photo of th

Arbequina tree on life support

QuestionWe purchased 3 arbequina 2 year-old olive trees in February. Unlike the other two, one of them has dried up and lost all its leaves about 3-4 weeks after being transplanted in soil from a vase. We are not su

Euengia plant disease

QuestionQUESTION: What caused copper colored circles (raised tiny copper clustered circles on leafs? Is this treatable. A couple nurseryman told me this is very prevalent in Palm Beach County, FL with no

Pear tree disease

Question Last Fall This Spring Just purchased small farm here in Florida a year ago. The property has this old Pear tree with some sort of disease I would like to identify and treat. From the attached

Tree Disease-Alstonia Scholaris

QuestionBlisters on Alstonia S Blisters QUESTION: Background Detail: There are 5 Saptaparni Trees scientifically known as Alstonia Scholaris planted in front of my house. Three of them are quite young.

Help with Avocado Tree

Question Avocado Tree Leaves Hi Jennifer, I was wondering if this tree is save able, if so, what ratio fertilizer do you advice? The tree is about forty years old and does not bear good fruit, ma

sega palm

Questionmy segapalm is split down the middle. it has a growth that has grown from side to side. all of the new fronds that grow are growing from beneath the growth. it has been like this for about 6 months.i have no

orange tree leaves turning yellow

QuestionHello: i have an 3 yr old orange tree (i think its blood orange),little white flowers and new leaves start forming in spring. but suddenly i start noticing the leaves (both new and old) are turning yellow an

Bugs eating plant leaves

Question Perisan Shield Brazilian Red Cload Dr. Vann, Something is (quickly) eating the leaves on my Persian Shield and Brazilian Red Cloak plants. Of course, Ive never been able to catch sight

comfrey bugs

QuestionI have a large area of comfrey ans it is being smothered by green/black caterpillars.As I try to garden without using pesticides can you recommend something to get rid of them. I am picking them off manually

pomegranate trees dying

Question pom tree Hello, I have about sixty acres of pomegranate trees and in some areas of my field the leaves are quickly turning yellow to orange and the tree seems to be dying. I noticed down by the trunk

diseased rose stems

Questiona shrub rose, cariad in its second year has signs of diseased stems. can you suggest treatment or even a plant rescue? there are blackish reddish speckles all over, with one brown all over, and another looks

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