QuestionI have noticed recently that one of my azeleas has developed a large amount of grey lichen on the woody stems. Any idea of what it might be and how to get rid of it and return the plant to good health? Many
QuestionI have lost a white birch to boring beetles. This tree was close to the house, can it infest my wood shingles or the house itself? I have also noticed that no other tree in the neighborhood has been in
QuestionHi, Last Year I planted a Bartlett Pear Tree and it has been doing very well. Lots of growth and it has bloomed out nicely this spring. This past week or two it has developed Red Bumps on the leaves? I haven
QuestionI have landscaping around my home which is well established. Last year, 2 Arborvitaes on the side of my house seemed to die back when Spring came.They turned brown and never really recovered from the winter.
QuestionWhat can I do to rid my camillia bushes of black spots? What can I do to keep Ivy from growing rampant everywhere but it in a controlled area? What are crushed egg shells and coffee grounds used for on plant
Question Im Adding additional information to my original question for you: I had one of my Camellias in my back yard just dry up and die. It got lots of water and sun so I cant understand why it died. I also h
QuestionHello Chad i have planted some Petunias ,about 12 ,i have 2 -3 that seem to be dieing ,i have watered them as the others,i have looked with a magnifying glass for bugs and found none . I live in western flor
QuestionDear Mr. Cawly, I am doing a project in Science Class comparing plants grown in hydroponic solution to plants grown in soil. The plants in the hydroponic solution are getting discolored leaves- they arent br
Questionnewly planted tomatoes in greenhouse are showing brown blotches on leaves,think it may be mosaic disease,this is second time,destroyed first attempt,have over wintered geraniums and fuschias in same greenhou
QuestionI have a weeping and a globe willow in my Yard. (SOUTH TEXAS) They are both infested with bugs.They do not have wings,three legs on each side by the front of the body. They are brown and black and hang upsid
QuestionI have bales of straw I got last year for mulching. I found when I broke into them there was some mold inside. whoops, meant to cover them and keep them dry. Now I just want to get rid of them but dont want
QuestionIn Washington, DC, I have a gardenia plant that lives outside in the spring, summer, and inside in the fall, winter. Im just waiting to take it outside until it warms up. Its full of buds but theyre all cove
QuestionAbout twenty years ago I read about a spray for roses which could be produced at home. The only constituent that I can recall that it contained was sea-weed extract. I used it on our roses
QuestionQUESTION: We have 2 trees in our new yard , one is some type of maple , the other is something else thats about 75 ft tall. They and a few others in the general area are dying ,losing branches and bark. I ha
QuestionOur cherry tree has had a very sad existence. It has never achieved the flowering bloom that I see on other trees. I assumed that there was a fungus and have been treating it for that. However the trunk of t
Fine white powder on rose leaves
QuestionI have an indoor minature rose which I have noticed has a fine white powder like substance on the leaves, its almost like talcum powder. Do you knon what it is and how I can get rid of it? I have washed th
Holly branches dieing at random
QuestionI have at least 3 varieties of holly. China girl, Foster, and I dont know the other one. all scattered on about 1 AnswerCould be one of a couple of things. Anthracnose The common holly hosts of anthracnose
So my Friend and I were Talking...
QuestionAnd all of a sudden, we were wondering whether or not plants (Any plant, trees, bushes, etc.) can get: cancer, STDs, or possibly the flu. Possible, or not? AnswerNo not the same type as animals. But they ge
QuestionI planted 4 camellias last summer. The leaves are turning brown around the edges like they are burned. The first one in the row I planted started browning a few months ago. Then the next one in l
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