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insects inside weeping cherry trunk

QuestionQUESTION: Help! My poor weeping cherry, which is about 20 years old started to look bit sad, the leaves have died, I put this down to our exceptionally hot summer, I am in Victoria Australia. Cut the branche

Rununculus disease

Question Rununculus disease Hi, I am a gardening enthusiast and have mostly potted flowering plants.I live in North Indian city, Chandigarh.The weather here is extreme.Nowadays its beginning of summer and tem


QuestionHi.i have changed to sheep manure this year from cow manure on apple orchard.what is comparison between both.which is best for my orchard.which out of two are rich in nutrients. AnswerDear Vivek, Basically,

New Growth dying

QuestionMy sister has a umbrella plant, and all the new growth is shriveling up and dying? What is wrong with the plant, this is the second one she had and its doing the same thing as the first. AnswerDear Emily, I

Norfolk Island Pine is sick.

QuestionI have read the other question that a Lyn had on this subject and I also have one that is yellowish...I will follow your advice that you answered her. However, mine now has a sap type substance that turns ha

resurrection fern? on pecan trees

Questionwe have about 50 pecan trees and most all of them have this mossy looking growth on them. the limbs with the growth dont appear to be healthy and the limbs break off. how do i treat this and help

Dogwood disease

QuestionWe had a beautiful pink dogwood tree at the corner of our house, about 15 years old and an absolute delight each spring. Then it started showing signs of fungal disease and deteriorated rapidly, so we had no

camillia bush

QuestionWe have two camellia bushes that harbor literally hundreds of large bluebottle flies,if i hit the bush the flies swarm all over the side of the house. Do you know why this is? AnswerHI Doris, This sho

appropriate legumes in Pemgranate orchard

QuestionHi, I already planted favabeams and snappeas in an orchard of pomegranate and avocados as I heard it helps with available N. I was told however that chickpeas would carry diseases, mostly fungal, to the orch

Vegetable fungus

QuestionDr.Vann, My questions concern some strange fungi that Ive seen on vegetables from the grocery---all of them on organic vegetables btw, though that may not be a factor. Now Im in my 60s, so when you see thing

shrub/star jasmine/gardenia

QuestionQUESTION: I am in new homeowner and for the first time I have noticed problems with the leaves on my plants yard. When is my star jasmine the other is a shrub, I dont know the proper name for, last I t

Opportunistic diseases

QuestionWhat are they and how do they work? Thank you. AnswerMarianne: I usually hear the term opportunistic microorganisms used in my profession. This essentiality means that a microorganism does not a dise

palms...and Alphids !

QuestionKathy, I live in West Palm Beach,and have a yard full of coconut palms, loaded with Alphids. I now have honeydew drip on others plants from this last infection of the palms.

Blue spruce in danger of falling?

Question Blue Spruce We have a blue spruce of about 50 ft height. The lowest 10-12 ft are straight but somewhat leaning to one side. Next, the tree grows in an S-shape for about 25 ft, and then come another 1

plant diseases

QuestionI am a sanderiana cultivator. I am cultivating sanderiana as an extra income. sanderiana leaves have brown marks in the centre of leaves and also end of the leaves is being brownish. what a

Rhaphis palm drooping

QuestionHave purchased 4- 14 large rhaphis palm they are in tall planters with bright light not direct sun. Watered them well when I placed them in there decorative pots not direct planted they are still in there nu

Plant fungus

Question Black leaves Black leaves 2 Dr. Vann, I planted some Brazilian Red Cloaks 2 weeks ago. While they are growing and sprouting bright green new leaves, many of the leaves have black center

Mushrooms at base of Mimosa Tree

QuestionHi I live in southern Ca. Last year I notice the bark on top of some of my branches was coming off but the branch had a lot!! of new growth. I pulled on it and it broke very easily. It was 3 inches in diamet

Kumquat Tree - Browning leaves?

QuestionI have a potted kumquat tree (its about 2 feet tall) and it has been doing well in partial sun, producing the sweet & tart fruit that we love. However, about a week ago, I decided to feed it by putting

Chinese Pistache Follow Up

Question chinese pistache trunk chinese pistache I had messaged you about a week ago regarding my Chinese Pistache Keith Davey and the black discoloration at the base of tge tree. I have attached

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