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QuestionThey are still small but some have started to crack open AnswerHi Grietje, The most serious problem with pomegranate is the occurrence of a fungal disease which affects both the leaves and the fruit, ca

Avocado leaves problem

Question Grey top of the leaves What could be the problem?! From my expirience with avocado i had before, this leads to plants death. I dont know should I treta this with sometning?? Leaves turn grey, and the

clay remedy for fruit trees

QuestionIt has been suggested to me that I spray diluted kaolin clay on fruit trees for pest problems. Must this specific type of clay be used for this purpose, or can any type of clay be used? Thank you. DAWN Answ

pine trees

QuestionQUESTION: I have 3 Fraser furrs. Also some cedar tree and they look like there dieing from the ground up the branches are turn brown or a rust color. What should I do. ANSWER: Hi basil, I have arborvi


QuestionHi.i have planted ba quince 29 pear root stock last year.now i am going to graft burohardy variety into root stock this year.some told me that this year i have to graft burohardy and next year i can graft th

Olive Tree

QuestionQUESTION: I have this (possible) problem, I had a huge Olive tree cut down, chipped, roots removed, etc months ago,,,but I think it is starting to come back!!! Sprouts are coming up thru th

hemlock defoliation

Questionall of my 30 or so 12 foot high hemlocks are are dying from the ground up .at 6 feet or so they are ok but loose needles . question is if i cut the top off the hemlock @springs start will i get shoot

Peach tree fungus

QuestionDear Dr. Vann Located in Bulloch county Georgia and have 12 peach trees of several varieties. Three have developed a thin, white, somewhat fuzzy appearing fungus. It starts on the trunk a few i

Oak tree with ?

Question Bark on tree. I moved into my Miami, Fl. home last month with a beuatiful old Oak tree. but know Im not sure whats growing on with my tree. The bark has turned a bright green/white and I have no idea


QuestionHi.you always helped me in my queries,this time i want to know very tough situation of mine.i have low land approximately 2000 to 3000 metres which is very far from my house and there is nobody to stay there

deadora cedar was burned by a yard fire

QuestionHello, I have 3 beautiful deadora cedars that suffered some burn damage from a lawn fire that began at my neighbors yard. They are around 8 ft. tall and were planted 2 years ago. Can these trees survive a f

Honeybell tree

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, and thank you for being available to us. I have a follow-up question to and answer you provided to another orange tree question about yellow leaves on a new tree. You said Hopefully you do n

spider mite

QuestionI live in western Kansas and have 15 upright cedars / junipers about 20 years old i have been told they have two spotted spider mites they have been treated (sprayed) but still seem

Problems with my Rhapis Palm

Question lady palm Greetings. I had this lady palm for almost 6 years; still in its original pot & soil. We moved a year ago and this will be its second winter. Im a bit concern now with its appearance. Its l

Flowering cherry tree

QuestionHi. I have a flowering cherry tree in my garden. Last year it gave a wonderful display of blossom but during the summer most of the leaves turned brittle and brown and dropped early. This year there is

olive trees are dying!

Question dying olive Three weeks ago we purchased 3 arbequina olive trees about 2 years old. They were in 5 gallon vases and now are in soil. We live in Arizona. Gardener who planted them told us to water the

foam at base of trees

QuestionDoes this mean that the tree is getting old, or dying? I have never seen this before.dht AnswerNo it does not mean the tree is dying. The foul-smelling and unsightly seepage of sap from the trunk of s

Orange jasmine plant

QuestionHi,I have got this plant as present..and..I really like it!!But now after a week is leaves are full of little circular spot!!Very light green!!And i dont now what is and how can I try to take it off!! Is ver

Pony tail palm disease

QuestionThe top of where the fronds come out is turning brown. I had this problem with the other stalk { It is a twin stalk palm ] last year but it recovered and grew three new stalks. What is causing this and what

Peach Leaf Curl

QuestionWhat are the ramifications of applying dormant spray after the buds have opened? Is the fruit compromised or the pollinators killed? AnswerChris: Since the Taphrina fungus can overwinter on bud scales, wait

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