QuestionI had noticed an orangy,brown stain creeping up my Ash tree,but forgot about it as it seemed to fade. However,the bark is now peeling off and underneath looks soft and dead. It is only on the wes
Kumquat Tree Green Leaves and Fruits Dropping
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kathy, I live in Ontario, Canada. I bought a kumquat tree last June and left it in the original container to grow in my backyard. I had a beautiful blossom and lots of fruits.  
QuestionI have an indoor ponytail palm in a pot that has a recurring white powder that comes back on the leaves. Tried a soapy spray mixture after hand cleaning as well as an insecticide spray. Plant is in my house
Questionhi,my four year old cherry trees has some problem as its every branches ejects sticky gum and it looks that some stem boror insect has done this what is this tell me,if it is disease how to resolve AnswerDe
Loblolly Pine - Needles turning yellow
Question Loblolly Pine - Yellow Loblolly pine - Yellow Sir - I planted 500 loblolly pine seedlings in 2011 and another 250 in 2012; Some of the seedling have already grown six foot and are beautiful; &n
QuestionMelissa, The leaves on my floral gloxinia are curling/rolling under. I have checked for insects - none. What could the problem be? Thanks Randy AnswerDear Randy, Your gloxinia, if it has just f
Question Object on Apple Leaf This object is on about 10% of trees in an apple orchard. Not sure what it is...possible fungus? It is not moving and does not seem to be an insect. What is it? Is it cause for c
QuestionI have a non-bearing mulberry tree approximately 18-20 years old. This year the leaves have developed brown spots all over and they are falling off. Last year in the fall the leaves turned yellow with
QuestionI have 4 mature Chinese Pistachio trees (6-10 years) that never show fall colors, only green. Can you please tell me why and how I may change that so they will display fall colors like the other Pistac
Question Tree 1 Tree2 We just moved to a new house and there is a tree in our yard that has an odd growth of black stuff on the limbs. A few of the limbs with the growth also have a sap type liquid hang
lemon tree problem...please help
QuestionI have a huge lemon tree thats planted in our front yard. I dont know what type it is. Were renters and the tree was already here, I love lemons and use them quite often. But this season all my lemons (not t
QuestionMy sister has been having severe breathing problems recently including a trip to the emergency room due to this. So far nothing has been found to be causing the problem. There is an almost moldy smell
QuestionOur Skip Laurel bushes are developing brown and dying leaves AnswerElliot: Lets start here. Can you send a photo of your plant? A photo can be useful to try to pinpoint a cause Couple of questions. H
Question Dying Ivy Hi there. I have a large ivy plant that grew outdoors (Eastern Canada) all summer. I transplanted it into a planter and moved it to my office for the winter months as it was suc
QuestionI have a large Oak tree at the back of my pond. In the last few days there has been an intestine looking thing that has come out on the trunk about 30 feet up. It is white in color and looks as if to h
QuestionWhats happening? Passion flower QUESTION: Panicking and frustrated, everything happened just sudden. Yellowing and falling of leaves,while not supposed to. Black little flieys sitting inside th
Question sick crown of thorns I have a wonderful crown of thorns that I have had for over 20 years. I ususlly take it outside in the summer where it thrives. This year I propogated several plants for presents
QuestionQUESTION: received parrot plant from friend. flowers fell off shortly after. noticed white crystals on the shaft and branches. plant seems to be healthy. what are the crystals? ANSWER: David: Not sure what
Question pine tree Hello: I lived in SF bay area CA, i have 3 foothill pine in my front yard, about 50ft. one of the pine tree needles is gradually turning yellow and then brown, over half of the tree is alr
Question Royal Gala Apple We picked up an apple the same as the one you talked about in May 2012. We purchased this apple, unintentionally, in Dec 2012, in Ontario. What are the chances that this is bec
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