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Pomegranate fruit problem

QuestionBlessings, Dear, i hail from a good fertile land of Pakistan. Here in my garden ive grown so many of vegetables and fruits simultaneously and they all grow and fruit well but i encounter a problem regarding

male mulberry

Question male mulberry I have the Male Mulberry in Southern AZ. that is cracking a bit vertically. My next question is about trimming the tree. I had our local tree trimming guy come look at it an

Old tree rotted

QuestionI had an old Plum tree cut down after it died. I used the stump (Large) as a stand for a bird bath. The garden area around it was geraniums which developed black rot I destroyed them. the stump is also fina


QuestionMy umbrella and dwarf have blacken leaf tips and then drop off. I have them in indirect light and water them twice weekly. Help! AnswerIn my experience, the most common causes of leaf drop and brownin

tri color beech disease

QuestionI live in Alpine,Utah, zone 6B and this October morning I noticed what would look like snow flakes on the underside of the leaves of my tri color beech. As the temperature is 51 degrees F, and it had not sno


Question EVERGREEN Jennifer Hi, I need your help, I have an evergreen that is dying and I dont know what is causing the brown needles - I have attached a photo of one of the branches, the entire tree

Mulberry sapling split

QuestionI bought a nice Illinois Everbearing mulberry tree last year from Jung Seed Co. It really jumped in size and even produced some fruit. Its planted in the ground and I thought I watered and cared for it suffi


QuestionJennifer, I have a raspberry patch (about 4 years old), the raspberries have been the size of my thumb, using only maple tree leaves as mulch and fertilizer. However my bushes appear to be dying and the

something in my tree

Question maple tree maple tree I looked out my window yesterday and saw this in my maple tree does anyone know what it is. it looks like califlower AnswerSteven: This is a fungus fruiting structure ca

bamboo palm

QuestionWe have a bamboo palm infested with mealy bugs for several years. Its been treated with several concoctions, the latest is tea water, dish soap and baking soda as recommended by Jerry Baker. This

identify spot on holly bush branch

QuestionSeveral white round spots on the base of branches. When I picked a few off the branch, they had a small round bloody-like center. What is that? Also, one of the branches broke off like dry wood.

Carrot tree

QuestionI have a large carrot tree that was cut down to about a foot high.There are about five trunks. It keeps growing. The trucks are about 4 to 5 inch round. What is the best way to kill this thing. Thanks Dav

Yucca Plants

QuestionI have several Yucca Plants that I have had for years, however, now they are dying. My Gardner showed me the very moist root system today as he was pulling them up. In the trunk of the yucca we

Spots on Lugustrum leaves

Question Overall view Close up damage I have five lugustrum plants that have been healthy since planting 5 years ago. This year (since June) I have noticed spots on the leaves. These spots a

leaf curl

QuestionI have a black ivy ( I think) is the name. I repotted it awhile ago and it seems to be growing very nicely,after the leaves get so big the curl under ,dry up and fall off.I thought maybe it was mites,or aphi

Indian Bean Tree leaves

Question My tree I have an Indian Bean Tree on which the leaves turn black in the fall instead of the Normal fall colors. I am not sure if it is a disease or a soil problem. Any information is app

sick datura

QuestionMy older daturas (Angels Trumpet) were fine, healthy and large. These 2 new ones just look wierd. They showed symptoms about a month after I planted them. All around them Camellias are thriving. One is in to

green patchs on the tree trunk of Tibouchinas

Question tree trunk of Tibouchi Tibouchinas Dear Dr. Stephen Vann Im having a Tibouchinas in my Garden. For some reason, therere lots of green patches appear on its trunk。It looks like mold with

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - disease

QuestionEpiphyllum oxypetalum QUESTION: Hi Melissa, thank you so very much for taking the time to answer my question. I have been growing an Epiphyllum oxypetalum indoor for the past two years and it got dise

Twisted willow trees

QuestionHi, i have 2 twisted willow trees, both about 7 feet in height in wooden planters, the problem is that from about 5 feet, the branches are turning very dark, almost black, as i have only had them for about 8

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