QuestionWe planted a hedge of lilac this spring and they actually bloomed for awhile and all looked great. Now the leaves have brown dead channels between the veins and the plants wilt if not watered every 2-3 days.
QuestionHi Jennifer, Ive got an Indian Bean Tree in my garden for the last 5 years or so. It has been doing well until about 6 weeks ago about half of the branches started to wilt. Today I pruned the dead bra
QuestionI live in sacramento CA and I have a silver maple that seems to be in a little trouble. Ive had 2 tree companies come out and each gave different reasons. The trunk is showing tears or gashes, not too deep b
QuestionI have a hemlock(western Massachusetts )where half the tree has died in about 3weeks. It is completely brown and the other half of the tree is alive. The tree is very tall and about 50 years old.I dont see a
QuestionMy locust tree is loosing some bark and it looks like the branches are dead and need to be trimmed. Can I do that now? Also, it seems that on other main branches and the trunk that the bark is sp
Questionhello, i have recently planted a camellia sasanqua hedge and have noticed some sort of scale or moss growing on the stems and trunk of my camellias. One of the plants i a
QuestionYou commented earlier about excessive leaf loss due to water fluctuations, probably too little moisture. Im having a similar problem but the tree in question may have been getting too much water due to
QuestionIm a rather experienced gardener, ive been doing it for 40 years now. I grow exclusively heirloom and GMO free seeds. I have a problem with my squash this year that ive never encountered before.
Disease issue with heirloom/organic squash
QuestionIm a rather experienced gardener, ive been doing it for 40 years now. I grow exclusively heirloom and GMO free seeds. I have a problem with my squash this year that ive never encountered before.
QuestionQUESTION: I have some morning glories around our outside shower, they have been doing great all year and in the past years but within the past month or so the leaves have seemed to be dying out and we notice
Chinese Pistachio-curling leaves
QuestionWe have a chinese pistachio about 4 years old. I have noticed that many of the leaves are turning yellow and are curling. They also feel somewhat dry to the touch. We have had unusually hig
QuestionI have two crepe myrtles in backyard with severe powdery mildew. They are a number of years old and this is the first year that they have not bloomed. I treated them with fungicide several times
Identity of growth in front yard
Question Mold/fungi? I took a picture of what looks like mold/fungi growing rampant in my parentss front yard. Can you tell me what this is, and should we be concerned? Thank you for your time. AnswerHi Kel
Question close up I planted a lot of emrald green arborvities last year around july . They are all thriving, however one tree has suddenly devoleped a large brown spot on the leaves. The leaves are sof
QuestionI received a large leaf shefflera that was very full and beautiful. Over the months it has been dropping its leaves. They start to turn brown on the plant and then drop. I dont see any bug infestation
QuestionI just wrote to you a little while ago about worms in my Schefflera plant. After I wrote it I went back and examined them and noticed they were a kind of millipede. I looked up on line and came across some o
QuestionI recently cut back a hedge of Photinia (about 20 feet tall), it had a massive amount of dead leaves underneath. (about 30 yrs worth). I live in southwest Oregon so we have wet springs and hot summers.I subs
Question Canker ? greenine I was told that my key lime trees here in the fl keys has canker and a new disease called greenine,(spelling ?) What is the best treatment. Pictures attached AnswerHi Jim, &
large section of pin oak tree has died
Questionhave a very large pin oak in southeast Kansas that seems to have several limbs dying and leaves turning brown.....i have also noticed round gray patches on the has been very dry here for the last
QuestionHi Kathy, I have rose scale on several of my own root roses. I dont use chemicals due to health reasons. Will it work to cut off rose canes below ground level to eradicate scale? 13 roses (interconnected) ar
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