QuestionI have 80 acres of two year old loblolly pines. I have 2 trees that have no needles left on them. on the second tree there was what appears to be saw fly larve. should i be concerned about the rest of the tr
QuestionI live in Southeast Texas and have some wonderful snake plants in pots at my front door outside. I have noticed in the past month that they have started to get this white fuzzy mold on some of the leaves. Th
QuestionHi, We live in SoCal and I planted five trees earlier this year: two grapefruit, one pomegranate and two avocado. All were 5 gallon and all but one of the avocado went in the front of the house in an area t
QuestionI need help with a identification of plant disease. I have Dahlia pompon flower, and recently it was affected with some disease. I am sending you links for the images of the plant:
Question Elm 1 Elm 2 Hi there, We have what I believe is an American Elm tree in our back yard (St. Louis). There were some invasive vines growing up the tree last fall so we removed them. They seemed t
Question Elm 1 Elm 2 Hi there, We have what I believe is an American Elm tree in our back yard (St. Louis). There were some invasive vines growing up the tree last fall so we removed them. They seemed t
Dead branches on my Mimosa tree
QuestionI have a 10x10 ft. Mimosa tree that has been in the ground for about 10 yrs. This year when all the growth started, One of the main branches seemed dead.It covers about 1/2 the tree. Lots of new growth on th
QuestionI have been told to top off my plants on most of the limbs just above the blooms. Is this what I should do? I have been reading some things on line. Thanks for your help. AnswerTopping off
Question Tree18 I have a live oak tree in the ground now for 2 1/2 years showing a strange peeling or shedding of its bark or skin. Havent seen any pests associated with the problem. The tree stil
Maximum Life Span of Trees and Plants.
Question Tree Plant Dear Jennifer http://en.
QuestionI just planted 4 Queen Palms in my back yard. ( I am totally uneducated with doing this) We live in central to south NJ, the area planted is full sun. My Queen Palms came in 15 Gal. pots. The soil is pretty
Question dying catalpa tree Knots and cracks I have a catalpa tree that 1/2 of it is dying or is dead.Ithas knots and cracks on the dead limbs or dying limbs.I am using Bayer advanced disease control li
QuestionI have a stromanthe burle marx plant and most of the leaves have small brown spots on them. I have it in a pot and sitting on a tray of pebbles which I add water to when dried out. Is this a dise
Question Tree Leaves - close-up This tree was planted the end of May 2010. It has struggled ever since. This spring it leafed out better than it had, although leaves were not the dark green
Questioni have seen velvety like growth on plant leaves with bubble (gall like) like appearance on the leaves. i cant understand the disease. i think it may not be the insect damage i search for insects in the leave
Question wetwood collar rot We have a giant, pre civil war bur oak in the center of our backyard. It was diagnosed with collar rot last fall and we had it treated with an anti fungal recently. &nb
QuestionMy lilac bushes are 30 years old and the last two years have developEd curled twisted leaves and now the plant appears to be dying AnswerHi Nita, If you are seeing curled and twisted leaves, this sug
Powdery Mildew on cucumber plants
QuestionThis is the second year in a row that my cucumber plants are going bad. They start out very good, big leaves and lots of flowers, than the leaves start turning white like a powdery mildew and they all go bad
QuestionDear Dr. Vann, I have seven large mature Crown of Thorn plants in a very large planter in the patio of my Florida home. They have been in the same spot for 12 years. They were blooming beautifull
Some kind of critter ate my honeysuckle
QuestionQUESTION: I live in Oregon in a rural area where we typically see skunks, squirrels, opossum and racoons. I woke up this morning and looked out my kitchen window, and my honeysuckle plant was gone! I mean th
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