QuestionMy outdoor holly bush has small white rectangular shapes on underside of leaves. I thought it was paint at first but as I looked closer, that was not the case. I washed off most of them then spra
QuestionThis is concerning damage to a very large, mature whiteoak on my property. Description: An area starting at ground level approx 1 foot wide and proceding up the trung 14-18 without bark wit
Question Back of leaf Brown tips Hello, I have an avocado tree, and for the past year the tips has been turning brown, and would shed all the leaves. New leaves sprout, but now Im noticing brown
Questioni have two pomegranated trees in large containers. both have fruit. they are about 5ft.high and planted last year from 5 gal. containers. i water once a week unless it tree is very healthy, with da
Questioni just bought 20 crepe myrtles 4 to 5 multitude trunk stile some of the leave are turning to yellow why ????? bob AnswerDear Bob, Your crape myrtles are not getting enough water. The
QuestionOur tree is 5 years old. Last August it lost all its leaves, this spring it was very slow to bud and only 1/2 the tree has leaves. New growth show leaves curling up and turning black. AnswerDon:
QuestionOne crepe myrtle has white egg-shaped stuff all over the stem parts of the tree--there is a small bit of powdery looking stuff on a leaf or two. I did see lots of ants running up and down the tree. What is t
QuestionI live in Ohio. Magnolia gets morning full sun most of the day. I have a 10 yr. old Magnolia bush, which I have never had problems w/until now. There are whitish/grayish areas on the leaves & th
QuestionQUESTION: Jim, did you mean 101-10-10 or 10-10-10 fertilizer? Here is a close up of the odd reddish brown cluster growth on some of the trees, instead of the normal, flat green leaves. These threes, with th
Question 1093.JPG Attached is a picture of a growth on a young white birch tree. The tree is approximately 4 to 5 tall and located in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada. There are 2 of these growths o
Question Tree Disease Hello, I have a tree in my backyard that is showing signs of disease. I think it is a Flowering Plum Tree (hopefully the attached pictures can be used to confirm this). &nbs
Questiontree QUESTION: I have a tree that has red berries on it in summer ...I live in TX where the drought was really bad last summer this year I have noticed the tree has black spots and bark is falling off
QuestionHi Melissa , I am a renter and I try to take good care of the landscape and yesterday I trimmed my hedges and I looked under one to rake the trimmings out and the entire trunk and limbs were covered in these
QuestionWhy are one of my holly bushes leaves turning up and curling up also. They are still all a nice green. Also, it does not seem to be as full as the other bushes near-by. Will this problem spread to my other b
QuestionIs there some sticky stuff or something to put on the post that holds my hummingbird feeder to prevent ants from climbing up and getting to it? AnswerDear Doris, I think that if you spray the post with WD-4
QuestionQUESTION: I live on the East Coast in NY and I have about 7 Leyland Cypress approximately 2 years old and this year i noticed that the interiors are yellowing and the foliage is then falling off. I was
QuestionI have a rose bush....I think it is a rugosa rose. The leaves are a beautiful light lime green to a dark lime green color. The leaves are starting to turn brown right along the edges of the leaves. Can you t
diseases (fungus?) affecting impatients
QuestionI live in Nothern Westchester, N.Y. and all of the impatients that I planted this year died-Was this a fungus or just a bad year for for impatients? AnswerDear John, I am guessing that the impatiens probabl
QuestionHi jen I have a white lilac tree over 25 yr. old that has decade away the off springs of that tree are 6ft wide and 30 ft. long forming a nice wind break on the south side of the pr
QuestionWhat is the best way to protect foxtail palms during frost periods? I live in Las Vegas NV, where temperatures range from 20s in winters and can be over 110 in summers. My 3 foxtails (20 gallon s
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