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white mildew or fungus on the trunks of my lilac bush

QuestionI have a lilac bush that is about 7 feet tall. i have had it a few years, and this year I just noticed some sort of white mold or mildew, not sure what it is on the lower thicker trunks. There is nothing on

Pear Tree

QuestionI have a pear tree of indeterminate age that has developed a yellowish type fungus on the bark. last year it bore lots of fruit but this year there does not appear to be any fruit growing. I have a fig tree

Red Sunset Maple

QuestionWe have an 8 year old Red Sunset Maple. It has been growing beautifully for 8 years, provides shade and has given my husband, myself and the birds much enjoyment. It must be around 25 feet tall. The problem


QuestionQUESTION: Hi.I have a young privet hedge that is starting to get sickly narrow curly yellow leaves.I have been giving this hedge many cans of water each day to help it grow.Do you think this has been caused

sick canadian hemlock

QuestionI planted a 16 canadian hemlock 15 years ago in a hedge with 13 other canadian hemlocks. Since last last fall it has been defoliated from the top down about 65 percent. It is fairly green w

50 year old mimosa tree

QuestionHuge 50 year old tree with mushrooms growing at the base on one side... Help to resolve. I dont want to lose this beautiful old tree AnswerHi Jenny: Can you send me a photo of these mushrooms? They ma

princess tree with yellow leaves

Questionwe live in germany and have 2 of these trees, they are about 5 years old, the flower were out this year and now the leaves are turning yellow and falling, need to know what could be the cause. Thanks Al An


QuestionI have a ficus tree on my patio and i have recently noticed that quite a few of the leaves are folded in half on the tree, well anyways today I opened a few of the leaves only to find a very small black bugs

juniper Tam ground cover

QuestionI have tams that are old, (10 to 15 Years). They were planted on a bank and are approx. 8 feet wide and 30 long. they have been healthy but this year, they are turning yellow. The yellow is in patches. when

Angel Trumpet leaf problem, please help

Question Angel Trumpet leaves Angel Trumpet leaves Hello, My angel trumpets are growing & blooming wonderfully. However, there is something wrong with the leaves. It starts out as spots that look burnt

Northern tree fungus

QuestionAfter a little research Ive realized our beautiful maple has heart rot from the northern tooth fungus. Crown still looks good but is eating away at inside...hollowing in one of the main body trunks. &n

mature magnolia tree, N.E. united States

QuestionThere are small round white fuzzy patches about pencil eraser size in diameter on some of the branches of my magnolia tree. I can gently lift them off and when I do, the underside of the patches ooze fleshy

a Pitiful looking Pittosporum

QuestionOur 10 foot Pittosporum tree did not bloom this year, looks very stressed, has yellow leaves and some dead branches. On close inspection there are small black dots circling the lower trunk. The tree is in SC

Peace lily bloom problem

QuestionMy Peace Lily looks healthy, but the blooms never open. They are brown and have a sticky coating on them. It produces lot of blooms and I would love to be able to see them!!! Thank you for any he

Monkey Puzzle Tree

QuestionHello, we have two beautiful Monkey Puzzle Trees in our yard. They are about 40 feet tall. Last year we noticed a crack, or fisher, on one side of the front tree. Both trees now have cracks on the sout

pin oak pest?

QuestionQUESTION: We have two huge pin oaks. Both have raised yellow bumps ranging in size from a few millimeters to the size of a pea on the tops of nearly all the leaves. Otherwise, the leaves look shiny and green

China Girl Holly Problem?

Question China Girl Holly We have had to relocate eight China Girl and Ink Berry Holly bushes from landscaped bed to end of property behind our house, which slopes (gently) toward a detention basin. Have been

meyer lemon tree

QuestionIve had a Meyer lemon tree for 5-6 years. its about 3 ft tall, grows indoors in a south west window. It has annually produced blossoms and fruit. This year, the leaves have areas that seem translucent,

Soft browning spots at stem of green peppers

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I have recently started growing some vegetables and herbs in my backyard. My green peppers have begun to start growing (which is really exciting), but some of the peppers have some so

gloxinia problem

Question my Gloxinia problem hello my Gloxinia has a problem.its bud,young flowers and Peduncle are getting brown as you can see in the pictures.these brown part are soft and watery.this problem

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