sugar maple tree disease and fungas
Questionmy maple tree is covered in a yellow fungus and all the leaves are turning black or have black holes.can this tree be saved ? AnswerHi Cherie.. Diseases Sugar maple is susceptible to various disease o
QuestionIn April of this year, we had 4 silver maple trees cut down. Two of the four stumps are oozing a stinky orange slime that attracts flies. I am wondering what this slime is and why only 2 stumps a
R. Randalls question on Japanese maples
Question Japanese maple leaves This year we transplanted a homegrown Japanese maple. Recently it developed yellowish slightly raised spots of various sizes on some leaves, especially around the edges of leave
QuestionWe have an older white oak tree which gets good foliage each spring. However, around June 1 the leaves start to turn brown. The leaves do not drop until fall. This has been occurring for approximately
QuestionI have a lot of Elm trees and they all have little holes in the leaves, I had to cut one down because it became so weak and the branches were breaking off and damaging my house, but the tree co. said it was
QuestionWe have just noticed this spring that the base of the main trunk of our willow trees are both getting black or a lot darker than usual. The willows are not losing leaves but some of the smaller branches hav
Aspen trees with bumps on leaves covering 90% of tree
QuestionWe planted our trees 3 yrs ago and have never had any issues before. Last year we had a huge infestatiom of aphids but we lowered the numbers with lady bugs. Anyhow the first tree has these weird bumps on it
QuestionEven though its june, my elm has been loosing leaves like crazy. The tree has been watered well, but I noticed tonight that there are larvae IN the leaves, Ive also found several red wasp like insects on my
yellow bottom leaves on Hibiscus
QuestionI have a large potted hibiscus plant that has bottom leaves turning yellow then dropping off. The new growth looks very healthy and the plant is setting many buds. I first thought I had overwatered so
Question tree 1 tree 2 What is this happening to my tree , the black scarring goes all the to top , tree appears to be splitting and cracking , blackish looking moldy rings on tree parts that have died
Bark falling from Live Oak tree
Question Pieces of Bark Limb minus bark Hi, just in the last couple of weeks I have noticed small pieces of bark on the grass that has fallen from my Live Oak tree. On closer examination, I found
Question my plant I have a spider plant that has rooting rot I dont know what to do the leaves become black at the base and die one after one when I take it out of the soil I see that its bulb is black like
QuestionMy Seven Sister rosebush has black spots on some of the leaves,turning yellow and have no leaves in some areas. It is over twenty years old, about 4 foot tall and about 3 foot across. there is green stems gr
QuestionQUESTION: I have a pin oak tree and one day I noticed that all the leaves are brown,and they are not falling from the tree. It seemed to happen overnight. I live in the San Joaquin Valley, California. ANSWE
QuestionI have the grey white circles that look like the picture of the fungus on your site, on the trunk of my lilac tree. What should I fertilize with? AnswerHi Jeannie: Could you send me a photo of this o
Tiny black fruit on meyer lemon tree
Question Meyer lemon tree fruit I planted a meyer lemon tree in the ground about six months ago. The tree had 8-10 lemons on it at the time that it was planted and they are growing and ripening normally. Sinc
Questionrelatively new plants have holes in some leaves. At first it appeared to be a chewing insect but noticed that the hole was preceded by a brown spot which appears to die resulting in a small hole or notch abo
QuestionHi jennifer, We are in central Maine, and have many long needled pine trees(probably eastern white pine) that we transplanted many years ago, that has thrived, is now not looking so good. Many of the n
QuestionI have an african violet plant, mostly white with bits of green foliage, that was healthy and growing beautifully for years. Now it is having trouble with the leaves. A brown area appears in the
QuestionQUESTION: Dear Melissa, I have a weeping redbud tree and have had it 1 year. It struggled a little when I first planted it, leaves turing yellow. We dug it up, sprayed roots and replanted with nutrient pott
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