Question Water Oak Branches damaged The trees appears to be healthy (green leaves on most limbs) but the Water Oak tree has out grown its space. Its close to a retaining wall. May 13,2012 we had a bad
QuestionHi, my indoor ficus is planted in a pot and is oozing a sort of white /reddish sort of powdery substance At the bottom where the drainage holes are situated. It looks rather gross yet the plant seems to be d
QuestionI have a hardy eyonymus fortunei plant. Early this spring - I noticed brown edges and tremendous leaf drop. So when it warmed a lil - I sprayed it with Dormant spray(A couple of my other trees also had leaf
Question oak tree trouble Hi Melissa, Ive included a picture of branches from our oak tree. It is not producing leaves as it should and some of the branches like these are dying. Last year we were
Rose of SharonDouble Flowering Purple
QuestionNewly planted rose of sharon bush; after 2 weeks began to notice yellowing leaves/drop and some with irregular dark spots (does not appear to be mold looks almost like a burn mark?. AnswerDear Janice, The m
QuestionI purchased 5ft trees last yera and they all servived the winter in NJ but I see that the bottoms about 1-2ft up are dieing. They are along a knee wall about 18 high along my patio and about 1-2ft off the wa
QuestionPlum tree failure I bought a dwarf tree recently It did not grow And I intend to return it for credit However I noticed that there are shoots coming out on the stock Is there any point in keepin
Question scotch broom picture white mold There is a coating of white mold on my scotch broom plant. It looks like fuzzy white mold. What is it and how do i fix it? AnswerMary: This may be
Question Boston Ivy problem Boston Ivy problem We have a Boston Ivy that we have had for ten years or more. It is kept trimmed all the time to avoid it spreading everywhere. Its on a brick wall on one s
Question cherry tree problem dogwood pest/boarer Hi Im sooo upset that there is a pest that just about killed and now another tree about 25 ft away is exibiting simular issues the first tree a 5 ft dogw
QuestionTwo weeks ago we transplanted into ground a Japanese red maple that is about five years old that we had grown in a pot. The hole was at least twice as large as the root ball, and we have watered generously.
china girl and china boy hollys
QuestionI have what looks to be a fungus on the under side of some leaves. They look the size of a piece of cooked rice, for lack of a better description and are white in color. AnswerDear Tim, You have scale on yo
Gardenia Leaves - small Tan Spots
QuestionMy 39 year old Gardenia has come down with small tan spots on the leaves - almost like small paint splatters. What is this and what should I do. Many thanks. AnswerDear Lynda, You have either wh
Questioni have a plum tree that has some curled leaves & on under side of leaves there are lots of tubes coming out of the leaves witch are about 1/4long. some leaves have a lot of them on. it does not look &n
Damage to Chinese Pistache tree
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, Dr. Vann. Thanks for taking my question. I have a young Chinese Pistache tree that has some damage on the branches. We just had a severe storm two weeks ago that produced golf ball
QuestionI have a bradford pear tree that is around 15 years old, all the leaves have turned bright red and are falling off. From what I have found on the internet it appears this could be fire blight. Please a
QuestionI have some Mexican Weeping pine tree seedlings that I started from seed last fall. I put them outside this spring to harden off...most of them are doing well and putting on abundant growth. Some of them I t
QuestionHello. I live in La. and have had a lemon tree for about 6 yrs. It has produced an abundance of fruit the first 3 yrs. I kept it in a large pot outside until 3 yrs. ago I put it in the ground. The first 2 yr
Questiontree soil line cherry tree bark QUESTION: I have a newly planted cherry tree and a dog wood some 50 ft away from each other one in yard and cherry in front yard the dogwood had some kind of boa
QuestionOkay,we bought this tree with intentions of seeing fast growth, however after 3 yrs. in the ground our 12ft tree is still rather small and the leaves range from a few dark green to many lighter green and tho
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