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nectarine tree issue

Question nectarine fruits our family orchard has a few nectarine trees that are about 3 years old. They all have a fair amount of fruit developing but about 20% of the fruit on one tree are small

agastache wilting

QuestionA big clump of anise hyssop agastache that came with me when I moved is in its second year in its new spot. It suddenly is wilting, and there is brown discoloration around the bottoms of the affected s

Plant turning pale

Question Pale Hi Melissa, The attached pic is from my garden. The right side of the plant in the pic started turning pale a few months ago. It used to be the same color you see in the left part of the pic.

Garden plant turning pale

Question Pale Hi Dr. Vann, The attached pic is from my garden--sorry I dont know the name of this plant that produces red flowers. The right side of the plant in the pic started turning pale a few months ag

Black spots on maple tree bark

QuestionHello I have a japanese green maple tree that has black spots on its bark. I am not sure if this is normal or should I be concerned that the tree has disease or fungus? Thank you AnswerHi Laurie: From you

african violet fungus

QuestionMy aftican voilet has fungus. What should I do to fix this problem? Thank You. AnswerDear Kerry, Generally speaking, African violets dont like to be watered from the top, and when they get too s

Pine tree has white substance on the trunk

Question tree trunk Hi Last year I had a 15ft pine die off very rapidly. I noticed the tree next to it has a white substance on the trunk. location central Indiana Can you tell me what it is , if it is a pr

Gardenia bushes drooping

QuestionI recently noticed several of my gardenia bushes drooping. Its not really the leaves that are drooping but rather that the brances are drooping as opposed to the plant being erect. It is drooping from

red crimson maple tree

QuestionI have a beautiful tree in my yard about 15 yr old. it started to bud then all of a sudden it has nothing. It did frost, but the tree seems dead. it is growing the green moss on it. the bottom of the tree ha


QuestionWhy is it not a good ideal to plant mulberry trees in the urban landscape? AnswerMulberry trees can provide wonderful shade and they are fast growing. However, they have shallow roots which can be a p

brown needles branches on evergreen bushes

Questionhow to remedy or prevent AnswerPeter: Several things can cause this to happen, and not all of them are infectious diseases. I would need more information on the specifics. What kind of plant are you having

new and ficus white flies

QuestionIt seems my yard could be a research site for a white fly study. To control all three types I am given a $2500 yearly estimate from my pest people. That is not possible for me.I am washing off underneath the

Dying Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree

QuestionI had a very healthy Cherry Tree for the past 12 years until this spring. I noticed that it did not bloom at all and then shortly after the leaves began to appear black(dried and dead). I l

Locust tree leaf drop

QuestionHi Jim, I have 3 locust trees in my yard out in the country that have yellowed their leaves in the last 5 days. I planted these trees 8 years ago and are approx. 25. The yellowing started on the south side o

Sega Palm leaves turning yellow

QuestionQUESTION: My Palm starts out looking very healthy. After a while some of the leaves, in part, begin turning a rusty/yellow color. Is this caused by lack of fertilizer, soil condition, mites/scale

Weeping cherry blossom tree has parasitic plant

Question parasitic plant We have 2 weeping cherry blossom trees for 4 years and they seemed relatively healthy, but recently we have noticed a second type of plant sprouting up everywhere, along the roots the

Crape Myrtle bumpy surface on trunks

QuestionTrunk QUESTION: My Crape Myrtles trunks have a bumpy surface instead of a smooth one. I purchased the tree about 1.5 years ago. Its over 13 feet tall. It didnt flower last summer. &n

Crabapple tree

QuestionHello Dr Vann, Our crab apple tree came with the house. We were told - it flowers every other year. the 2 springs we were here - it flowered every year. Last year we noticed the blossoms were very reduced. T

Curly Willow Tree Problem

QuestionQUESTION: Dear Dr. Vann, I sincerely hope you can help with saving my 7 year old curly willow tree. When I planted the tree it was just over 5 feet in height and today it towers above the roof line of the ho

Yoshine Flowering Cherry tree

QuestionWe have a Yoshine cherry tree that was planted a month ago. The leaves have started turning brown on their edges and a few have curled closed. Is this a watering issue or something more serious and if

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