QuestionWe have large borders of Holly bushes, about 5 years old. This winter, although unseasonably mild, we lost 5 large bushes. It appears several other bushes are also stressed, emerging flowering foliage is bro
QuestionI lost a weeping cherry tree to borers. I would like to plant another tree in the same location. How do I pre-treat the area in advance of planting my new tree to help avoid the same thing from h
QuestionI noticed a white soft substance on the small branches and near the needles of a 15 foot pine tree. It rubs off as kind of sticky. It is just on the lower branches. AnswerSounds like an insect called
QuestionMy Honeysuckle has been destroyed.I found hundreds of little silvery balls(presumably eggs)all over the flowers and leaves,and tiny catterpillar-like grubs,each wrapped in a leaf. Some of these creatures wer
QuestionI have a varigated Holly which is losing its leaves. The end of the branches then turn black. The top of of this large bush is healthy but the lower section is completely bare. The holly is
QuestionHi, I read another question about a damaged tree and it said Connifer Beatles may be the cause. I have a very old Ligustrum tree and something is eating the main trunk and a few branches. I can find NO
QuestionHi Ms. Crawley, I have a snake plant that Ive had a while in the dining ceramic pot, gets afternoon indirect sun, water once a month..havent repotted for a while...looks like a round postule and th
QuestionI have an Orange Star plant which I received for Easter. The instructions say to look out for scale on this plant. I do not know what scale looks like. Just want to know . AnswerDear Eilee
tentworms and weeping cherry trees
Questionwhat do you put on the trunk to stop the worms from crawling up the bark? AnswerDear Pam, The best way to control tentworms (and borers which cherry trees are also susceptible to is to spray with Spinosad.
QuestionI live in Naples FL and I may have two problems with my jasmine. I. It looks as though its being eaten by some insect, taking bites out of the leaves. 2. The leaves and stems have white blobs on them, somewh
QuestionSome of my hackberry trees have leaves curling down & dying. One (10 trunk)has 90% leaf loss while beside it (25 trunk d)has about 1%. And another (1/2 trunk size Has 50%. They all have sca
QuestionI planted several Rose of Sharon Trees a couple of years ago and they all seem to be growing fine. Near two of them I am noticing small dark reddish type marks all over the siding and windows of the house, a
QuestionDr. Vann; My parents have two tulip trees that are dripping a slimy sap-like substance. Sorry, I dont have any pictures. These trees are very old, possibly 40 years or more. This is the first year they have
QuestionMy plant (that Ive had for well over 10 years and is close to 6 feet high) has started dying. The spears are separating from the roots. Ive sprayed with Orthos insecticidal soap, which hasnt help
QuestionMy granny smith apple tree is getting orange colored spots,then the turn brown and die. A lot of little apples are falling off. Some of the apples have brown spots and, a couple of them are odd shaped. I don
QuestionMy crabapple tree is blooming beautifully right now, and the leaves look healthy; however, the trunk has lots of damage like something was working on the bark, and this year for the first time the top branch
Shefflera/ Fig Bonsai sticky leaves
QuestionHi, Ive been practicing Bonsai for some years and am reasonably familiar with aphids, scale, etc. My father bought a sheffler bonsai foraest in a pot and it became so covered with sticky substance we had to
Questioni have a pin oak about 30-40 yrs old in my front yard! I had a yard sale and nailed some nails into it about 2 yrs ago, i noticed it started to rot about 10 ft from the ground all the way to the ground so my
QuestionHello, My husband and I live in Oklahoma, where the dirt is clay, and recently purchased a weeping redbud tree from a near by nursery. The tree is already around 4 feet tall. When the tree arrived and
Question Tomato Leaf As a veterinarian, I am also an expert on I am growing some heirloom tomato plants from seeds. They are in small pots growing well, but they have developed spots on
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