QuestionIn followup to your answer to another question about lilac blight, I have some similar symptoms to those mentioned. I do not have a leaf problem. Just last years shoots turning black with no bud development
QuestionHi. Last year we planted four snowball plants. This year they all bloomed. About a month or less into that the blooms are turning brown. The leaves still look good. We have had
QuestionQUESTION: Hi! Can you shed some light on what could have killed two of my young (2 years old)apple trees? My 7 year old Fuji is fine and full of baby apples but my Winesap and Golden Delicious never budded o
QuestionQUESTION: Hi! Can you shed some light on to what could have possibly killed my two youngest(going on third year) apple trees? They seemed healthy last year and they just never budded out this year so I cut i
QuestionHello: I bought a beautiful small chinotto orange about two months ago, I plant the tree in a big pot with organic potting soil, and the tree is placed in my front yard in a sunny/part shade location.
QuestionGood morning, just wondering if the egg method is used for Anthuriums ? I know this method is very popular with other plants. Thank you. AnswerDear Alan, This is really two questions: the first is how to pr
QuestionMy crepe myrtle are looking beautiful this year. We live in the Dallas, TX suburbs and our crepes are probably over 20 yeas old. We have battled powdery mildew in the past and several other plagues, but they
QuestionI live in Olathe KS, yesterday during the high winds, there were many little green worms [3/4] that blew out of my hybrid ash trees. Are they bag worms and what should I do about them? I have never see
QuestionOn the trunk of the live oak tree there are several rows of small holes completely around the tree. Is this some type of insect boring these holes, if so how do I treat the tree? The tree is full of leaves
QuestionHi there , we have a beautiful camilia , it is pink and every March it is full with blooms within a very short space of time . However just as quickly all the blooms die and turn brown . If I try to keep up
Question lemon tree leaf issue I live in Portland, Oregon. I have a small (2.5) potted Meyer Lemon tree that I received a couple of years ago. The first year it got spider mites badly and nearly
italian cypress drying out from inside out
QuestionHi I live in El Paso, Tx and have 15 italian cypress that are drying out from the inside out, have drooping branches(some are yellow) and three of them have lost there bottom branches. We started watering th
QuestionHi I live in El Paso, Tx and have 15 italian cypress that are drying out from the inside out, have drooping branches(some are yellow) and three of them have lost there bottom branches. We started watering th
QuestionI have had a Jade plant for about 3 years when all of a sudden Have tiny black specs all over my ledge where my jade is. I have tried insecticide soap, watering with dish soap, and still ge
QuestionI have two camelias, one deep pink and one white. They are about 5 feet high and 3 feet wide and are planted 3 feet apart. Last year when I moved in, they flowered quite normally. This year I noticed on the
QuestionDr. Stephen Vann: I just wrote to you recently about my small chinotto orange in a pot is being drown because of the heavily rain. I drilled a hole in the planter and smelly water ran out. the tree is still
QuestionI have just been reading about the lady whose bean tree leaves went brown. I went on holiday and on my return half of my leaves had turned brown and fallen off - devastated as I love this tree.(This wa
QuestionDr. Vann, I had (cut them all down this past week) 4 twenty three year old balsam firs on my 2 acre zone 5 upstate NY landscaped yard. Three years ago, one 30 tree had a brown branch when the certified
QuestionI just transplanted two chindo viburnums, 2 years old, about 6 feet high, 3 feet wide, into my yard (three days ago). They are wilting, even though I am watering them. I believe they must be in shock. I live
QuestionI have a new Meyers Lemon Tree.It is 3 ft tall and was full of fruit and new blooms. Something is stripping the limbs of leaves and new fruit. What could it be? I have not seen any bugs. Thanks, Betty Answ
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