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Epiphyllum Oxypetalum

Question Nightblooming Cereus Night blooming Cereus. I have recently inherited this plant and it is sprouting shoots over 2 feet long! Do the flowers bloom from the shoots, or the ends of the leaves? an

Rose problems

QuestionHi Melissa, I bought a dozen or so rose bushes last season. All grew fine but just about all of them were affected by black spot to some degree by the end of the season. I would dig them out and replace them

Application of Dormant

QuestionHi Dr Vann, Im a newbie gardener - in that - Ive inherited a backyard full of trees from the previous owners of my house. Last summer I noticed - the weeping willows, the maples and another tree - had big bl

help save kumquat tree

QuestionWe live on a100 acres. Noticed a kumquat tree in the back. So dug it up and planted it up in the front. At first it seemed to do ok, but now all the leaves are turning brown. Also would live to.know is there

Night blooming jasmine & gardenias

QuestionMy in ground, night blooming jasmine, looks eaten up by something but at the same time has holes in the middle of its leaves, maybe a disease? It still will bloom but it looks awful. Have sprayed with soap/w

Redwood tree

QuestionThe top of one of our blue aptos redwood trees looks like it is dead. The tree is about 40 ft tall and its the top 4-6 ft that is all brown and looks like a dead tree. Its located in the mi

Mulberry Trees in Arizona

QuestionI have three Mulberry trees in my yard. Two are about 70 years old and produced fruit for many years. They both died with their bark peeling off the truck of the tree. The third is a male mulberr

Bloodgood Japanese maple

QuestionHello, I have a 3 yr old Bloodgood Japanese Maple and at the end of last Fall, the leaves turned brown but didnt fall. As Spring ramps up, I cant find any indication of growth and the brown leaves are still

wisteria plant

QuestionA few days ago I planted a wisteria obtained from Home Depot. It looked fine, but the next day I noticed small yellowish colored particles on the top of the leaves. It almost looks like fine,fine sawdust .It


QuestionI was reading one of your earlier answers to scale on the sego. I believe that is what we have although right now I have just found numerous brown bumps on the fronds. Is this in fact scale and i

sago palm problem

Question funky looking sago Hi - I live in San Antonio, TX. I have had several sago palms for about 10years. They normally get new fronds at this time of year or a male bloom. This year one

Bradford Pear tree fungus

QuestionToday I noticed a large (3 inch wide and 3/4 inch long) clump of off white matter, on the base of the bark of my Bradford Pear tree (Tree was planted 7 years ago when thehouse was built). The tree has

Meyre Tree desease

Question P1010408.jpg Can you suggest a treatment for this problem?? AnswerJack: Thanks for the additional photo of the Myers lemon. As mentioned earlier, I dont see any familiar symptoms that look patholog

Korean snow Pear--Tree

QuestionBranches are dying. Started last year at end of branches, now this year, more branches look dead. Other limbs seem okay. Can you HELP?? AnswerDear Frank, the dieback of your pear tree branches is possibly d

TREE-- Korean Snow Pear

QuestionTree is about 6 years old. Last Year ends of a couple branches started dying. This spring whole branches seem dead and has progressed to others while other sections of tree appear healthy. Am afraid problem

minature Japanese red maple

QuestionWe live in a Maryland suburb of D.C. Looks like small light colored cocoons are attached to a fine thread throughout the top of the tree. The top is losing all of its foliage and the infect

plant parasites

QuestionI found tiny orange or red colored worm or larvae type parasites on my hibiscus plant recently. what is it? can they kill my plants? AnswerDear Darlene, It sounds like a butterfly or moth has laid egg


QuestionAll of my pothos plants have brown wart-like bumps on the stems. Are they bugs and can they spread to other plants? What should I do with the pothos plants? Also, what causes it? Thank you

jasmine disease

QuestionI have two potted, trellised jasmine vines,6&8 years old, 8 and 12 ft. tall in large pots in a small inner patio covered last year with solar cloth (blocks 85%UV but lets lots of light through). The jasmine

pin oak tree problem

QuestionI live in Wichita, Ks and have a very mature Pin Oak tree. I have noticed this spring that 1/3 of the S.E. part of the tree is not leafing out. Leaves are thin and yellow in color. &n

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