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Leaf curl Citrus Trees

QuestionA lemon tree 2 years old is filled with blossoms but has considerable leaf curl, must spraying be delayed until the blossoms set into fruit or now? March Florida AnswerHi Ray, Your leaf curl is probab

Plum tree; slow growth and pinkish leaves

QuestionI have a Sultan plum tree planted 2 yrs ago. It has not been vigorous, and now has pinkish leaves and little new growth at the end of our summer. It had a dozen good plums this season, picked about 2 weeks a

african violet

QuestionI have white fungi on the leaves of my plant AnswerDear Eileen, I am not sure that what you are looking at on this african violet is fungi. There is a strong possibility that it could be mealybugs, si

bi colour in gala apple

Question apple Dear Jennifer my name is Andrea and I work in fruit and veg distribution as QA supervisor. Also I study first year organic horticulture and I am getting ready for presentation about pests and d

Norfolk Island Pine tree sick

Question Norfolk Island Pine Hi Stephen, I抳e had a Norfolk Island Pine for just over a year now, which has remained in the same pot since my daughter gave it to me. It抯 sitting out on our decking (facing nort

Holly Tree

QuestionI have a Holly tree (20-25ft. 30 yrs old) It has some girdling about 6 ft up the truck. Almost looks like a woodpecker went around the truck punching holes, but the holes seem to be getting larger. Any ideas

green galls on Pomegranate twigs

QuestionHi Jennifer, As a hobby, I recently started taking care of a small pomegranate orchard in Lebanon (Mediterranean weather similar to Spain. I just noticed, now in march, that many small twigs and even branche

east palotka hollies

QuestionWe have 19 of these trees planted by our landscaper @year ago as a privacy wall. They have been wonderful, but they are starting to die very quickly. In the space of a month we have seen 2 of the

plant deseas

QuestionI have a Medinilla bought from a garden centre it has started to produce a flower but on the small buds there are small( about the size of a match head) white balls of what looks like fungus I would like to

yew tree disease

Questioni transplanted two yew tress about eight months ago. one tree is thriving and the other is yellowing and loosing needles. the one in question was planted in yhe same potting soil as the other but i do rememb

Avocado leaves dissease

Question avocado leaves dry Hi, My avocado started drying from top of the leaves and the dry area is spreading all over leaves along with yellowish hue and brown spots. Avocado is grown from the seed in foll

snowball bush

Questionour snowball bushes have had all their leaves eaten by something and the leaves look kinda like lace as they are being attack, what is it and what can I do to stop it, thank you carrie AnswerHi Carrie, You

Bark on Tree Trunk Cracking

QuestionI have a Globe Willow Tree which I planted last year. The tree is still very young approximately 4-5 feet tall. Just recently, I noticed that the bark on the trunk itself is cracking in several places and op

how to eliminate millibug and moth(butterfly)

Questioni am facing lot of trouble in controlling the above two phenomenon in my lemon tree every now and then. the first one is grown in small and tiny branches with white insects with sticky gel attracting large s

My pothos cuttings grew bumps

QuestionIve taken cuttings of my pothos or philodendron a couple of times and rooted them in water. This method worked fine, but this time my new cutting stems are covered in hard, brown, wart-like bumps. The roots

My flower has spots on it

Questionflower with spots QUESTION: A few years ago I got this flower from my mothers boyfriend, and every summer it would bloom, die in the fall/winter and come back again in the spring/summer. However this

spongy wood

QuestionI have a Magnolia Tree 25ft. tall. A limb that was eventually removed many years ago before I purchased property and is partially closed and 8in. across in diameter. It is completely spongy with a ligh

timing of fungicide applications

QuestionThis year is starting out pretty weird weather wise. Here in Michigan, summer came a couple days before March 21st. I have a lot of trees with apple scab this year, but temps are already in the 70s and neari

fox tail palm problem

Question fox tail palm - puerto Hi, I live in Puerto Rico 200 ft from the ocean. In my back lawn, I have 5 stations of plants and flows each of 10 x 15ft , except one that is 20 x 15. In thi

Death of star Magnolia

QuestionQUESTION: We noticed last year our large 20 ft high Star Magnolia was loosing leaves, branch by branch . Turning brown and dropping off. By the end of fall 3/4 of the tree was bare. This spring only one bran

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