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Problem with Potted Meyer Lemon

QuestionUnderside of Leaf QUESTION: I have a dwarf meyer lemon tree which I purchased about a year ago. It is potted in a large pot with drainage stones in the bottom. I followed the growers speci

Grapefruit houseplant

QuestionHello Kathy: I planted a grapefruit seed almost 20 years ago, and it has grown into a nice healthy tree about 8 tall. Recently, over the past year, it has begun to sweat. The leaves give off a clear liquid

Orchid Help

Question plant Hi Sir, May I know what happen to my encyclia cochleata? I water the plant in the morning and evening(not on the leaves) everyday. Appreciate advice. (will att one more picture fo

Orchid Help(1)

Question plant Hi, see att image. Thank you! AnswerAlfredo: From your image, I do not see any evidence of a disease or insect from your orchid. In fact, this plant looks quite happy to me. Looks as if it i

Dying Gardinia Bushes

QuestionMy two gardenia bushes are about 10 years old. Just recently they started to turn yellow and lose leaves. What can I do? AnswerDonald, There are many reasons why the gardenia plants have yellow leaves. &nb

Pachira Aquatica trouble ?

QuestionFallen leave QUESTION: Hi We have a Pachira Aquatica plant (Money tree?) which is growing fine with new green leaves on top. However recently we have discovered the old leaves are turning yellow and

spanish moss in crape myrtles

QuestionI have spanish moss bad in my LARGE white crape how do i get rid of it kill it. I have heard of mixing baking soda with water and spraying but cant remember the ratio. Maybe i even have the baking soda part

Plant wont cooperate

Question what is this? I cant recall what this plant is and Ive tried everything. It was one of my daughters plants. She watered her plants every two weeks but the leaves on this one kept falling

plant disease and treatement

QuestionI got a beautiful bougeinvilla plant that is bloomomg indoors but suddenly there are small round fluffy cottony balls at the base of and underside of leafes.I suspect its a fungus and I dont think that a soa

Brown bumps on orchids

QuestionHello - I have 3 Phalaenopsis orchids. One Ive had for 4 years and the other two Ive had for 2 years. Last summer I noticed brown bumps [not just spots], on the backs of the blooms that eventually moved to t

Southern Magnolia

QuestionI planted a Magnolia Grandiflora Brackens Brown Beauty last year in naturally acidic soil of North Carolina mountains. Lots of rhodos and laurel grow in the area. It looked great until a few week

Citron plants

QuestionHi. I hope you can provide me with some direction! I am growing 5 citron trees here in NJ in 8?pots. I grew them from seeds of a Citron. They are about 15 months old. Using a Miracle Grow citrus mix. Keepi

Banana Trees

QuestionHello, I have been experiencing a white mold of sorts on the base of several of my banana trees. It makes a brown spot on the stalk that turns to white fuzz. This Fuzz weakens the stalk and the plant then fo

Fiddle leaf ficus

QuestionMy fiddle-leaf ficus leaves have holes in them. I dont see any signs of insects. What is the cause and treatment? AnswerLois: Usually holes in leaves result from feeding activities of insects. &

Umbrella plant

QuestionI have had my umbrella tree for 15 years. It has been in the same place but this winter it has started to die. The leaves are all falling off, I used to lose a few leaves when a new sprout would begin but th

Euphorbia trgona growth (fungus?)

Question E. trigona growth Hi Melissa, I have had this Euphorbia trigona for over 10 years. Just notice these little growths about 6 months ago and at first thought it was part of the plant.  

Japanese Maple branches turning white

QuestionHi I live in Seal Beach CA and planted a Japanese Maple Bloodgood tree about 6 months ago. It is now Feb and all the leaves have fallen off. I assume that is normal for the winter season. I

Tree Damage

Question Tree Damage I have an office in Nashville, TN that sent me this picture of tree damage. I dont think this damage is caused by deer, but there are a lot of tracks in the area. What else mi

Locust pruning

QuestionWill pruning a mature (25+ years) locust tree promote new growth? AnswerIf you are talking about the lower limbs re-sprouting leaves the pruning will not promote this. Pruning will promote new growth in the


Question Basil with disease Hello John, Were from Colombia, and my husband and I started growing our own herb garden not to long ago. We started with Basil, and now that its huge and blooming, somethin

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